Statistics on Products in the Services Sector Motion picture, video,television programme activities, sound recording and music publishing activities Motion picture, video, television, sound recording and music publishing (Division 59 CNAE2009): breakdown of turnover for service and flights of occupation Units: Thousand of euros Total Less than 2 2 to 4 5 to 19 20 to 99 Over 99 Total 6,022,606 442,361 398,886 799,455 1,389,179 2,992,724 Film production, video and television programmes 2,246,057 284,745 230,017 422,958 550,757 757,580 Film post-production services, video and television programmess 1,712,035 30,220 25,123 53,025 66,450 1,537,216 Distribución de películas cinematográficas, vídeo y programas de televisión 830,570 71,516 97,498 114,487 374,152 172,917 Motion picture exhibition 636,660 9,737 15,599 136,896 210,797 263,632 Services of sound recording and music publishing 276,699 33,382 23,340 47,260 118,309 54,409 Other activities and services 320,585 12,761 7,309 24,829 68,715 206,970 Notes: Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística