Statistics on Products in the Services Sector Transport Freight transport by road and removal services (Group 494 CNAE2009): automobile fleet, age and occupation sections Units: specified in variables Total Less than 2 From 2 to 4 From 5 to 19 From 20 to 99 More than 99 years Total vehicles 536,753 97,833 70,664 210,092 100,605 57,559 Lorries/vans up to 5 years 50,453 18,214 9,697 12,294 8,212 2,035 Lorries/vans 5 to 10 years 46,826 14,172 10,480 14,525 6,836 813 Lorries/vans 11 to 15 years 30,057 10,294 6,209 8,358 4,711 484 Lorries/vans + 15 years 19,640 7,662 5,106 4,416 2,239 217 Trailers up to 5 years 81,679 2,018 1,322 74,217 2,961 1,161 Trailers 5 to 10 years 26,352 1,389 2,097 20,053 2,391 422 Trailers 11 to 15 years 7,768 1,627 1,277 3,289 1,212 363 Trailers + 15 years 4,002 566 756 1,511 853 316 Semi-trailers up to 5 years 53,946 7,246 5,359 9,743 12,027 19,570 Semitrailers 5 to 10 years 34,046 3,391 3,869 8,766 10,674 7,347 Semitrailers 11 to 15 years 30,473 5,997 3,486 9,702 7,476 3,813 Semitrailers + 15 years 19,647 1,247 2,606 7,235 6,383 2,176 Tractor heads up to 5 years 62,080 8,031 6,644 13,775 18,211 15,419 Tractor heads 5 to 10 years 42,086 10,572 6,049 12,871 10,310 2,285 Tractor heads 11 to 15 years 20,786 4,652 4,146 6,620 4,431 938 Tractor heads + 15 years 6,912 758 1,560 2,716 1,679 199 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute