Statistics on Products in the Services Sector Transport Freight transport by road and removal services (Group 494 CNAE2009): automobile fleet and occupation sections Units: specified in variables Total Less than 2 from 2 to 4 from 5 to 19 from 20 to 99 More than 99 years NUMBER OF COMPANIES 102,513 65,436 23,426 11,283 2,171 197 Number of lorries and vans 146,976 50,341 31,492 39,594 21,998 3,550 Number of trailers 119,801 5,600 5,453 99,070 7,417 2,262 Number of semi-trailers 138,112 17,881 15,320 35,446 36,559 32,906 Number of driving trailers 131,864 24,012 18,399 35,981 34,631 18,841 Global Positioning Systems (GPS) 108,562 8,417 6,718 22,945 45,562 24,919 radio 24,319 7,411 6,213 6,800 3,229 666 Connection to a loading system 7,019 804 314 1,079 2,404 2,417 Notes: Source: National Statistics Institute