Statistics on Products in the Services Sector Legal, consultancy, advertising and other services Employment-related activities (Division 78 CNAE2009): number of hours invoiced by type of personnel supplied to other companies and occupation sections Unidades: Thousand euros Total Less than 2 From 2 to 4 From 5 to 19 From 20 to 99 More than 99 years Total 221.719 32 114 2.289 8.094 211.191 Information technologies and communications 5.424 29 0 5 246 5.144 Office 35.747 0 1 200 1.033 34.512 Trade 14.177 0 5 19 297 13.855 Transport, storage and logistics 19.659 0 5 1.003 1.118 17.533 Industry 94.193 0 23 349 3.439 90.382 Accommodation and Catering 21.848 1 15 185 1.022 20.625 Health 1.085 1 0 0 49 1.035 Education 150 0 0 0 2 148 Other personnel 29.437 1 65 528 887 27.957 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute