Statistics on Products in the Services Sector Transport Passenger road transport (Classes 4931, 4939 CNAE2009): automobile fleet and occupation sections Unidades: specified in variables Total Less than 2 from 2 to 4 from 5 to 19 From 20 to 99 More than 99 years NUMBER OF COMPANIES 3.903 824 1.069 1.375 509 126 NUMBER OF VEHICLES according to number of spaces Total 51.448 1.228 3.954 12.503 13.224 20.539 - Less than 65 34.356 1.153 3.686 11.582 11.003 6.933 - From 65 to 90 8.368 35 232 666 1.352 6.082 - Over 90 8.725 40 36 255 869 7.524 NUMBER OF VEHICLES by age in years Total 51.448 1.228 3.954 12.503 13.224 20.539 - Up to 5 12.512 216 782 2.909 3.860 4.744 - From 5 to 10 22.279 601 1.933 5.559 5.171 9.015 - From 11 to 15 11.691 334 969 2.996 2.985 4.406 - More than 15 4.967 77 270 1.038 1.209 2.373 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute