Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households Use of ICT products by persons Persons who have used the Internet at least once by socio-economic characteristics and occasional completion of IT tasks Unidades: Number of persons (aged 16 to 74 years) and horizontal percentages Total persons who have used a computer at least once Copying or moving files or folders Using the tools cut, copy and paste in a document Using simple arithmetic formulas in a spreadsheet Compressing files Connecting or installing devices such as a modem or a printer Writing a computer program using programming language Transfer files between other devices and the computer Modify or verify configuration parameters of software applications (except Internet browsers) Making electronic presentations (e.g. slides) including images, sound, video and graphics Install a new operating system or substitute an old one Other tasks Total Persons 27.499.595 78,8 79 53,1 53,4 64,1 17,8 71 35,1 49,6 33 41,6 Studies completed: Illiterate persons with unfinished primary education 261.044 38,7 39,6 19,5 17,9 29,2 5,7 33 9,5 17,7 10,8 45,7 Studies completed: Primary Education 2.124.615 44,1 41,8 19,7 20 27,9 5,5 34,7 12,4 16,9 10,7 40,5 Studies completed: First stage Secondary Education 6.789.416 69,6 70,5 35,7 39,5 52,1 12,6 61,4 24 37,3 22,7 38,1 Studies completed: Second stage Secondary Education 8.250.024 80,2 80,7 52,6 52,5 66,7 18,3 72,4 36,2 48,1 34,4 42,3 Studies completed: Advanced Vocational Education 2.803.484 89,5 90 69,3 69 77,5 22,2 83,6 44 59,7 45,2 41,3 Studies completed: University studies and similar 2.935.369 90,9 91,5 69,5 66,2 75,4 21,4 81,7 40,9 64,1 36,8 42 Studies completed: University studies, Master's and similar 4.105.658 94,7 93,7 78 76,3 81,4 25,7 87,3 52,3 72,4 47 45,9 Studies completed: University doctorate 223.347 100 100 86,3 88,9 84,9 40,9 98,3 72,3 94,8 68 48,3 Studies completed: Others 6.636 60,3 33 23,3 33 23,3 0 33 23,3 23,3 23,3 90,4 Employment situation: Employed economically active persons 15.064.949 81,6 81,9 57,8 57,6 68,3 18,8 74,3 38,7 51,2 35,9 41,4 Employment situation: Unemployed economically active persons 5.416.882 73,5 73,8 45,9 47,6 59,1 17,3 66,3 30,2 41,2 29,9 42,3 Employment situation: Inactive population: Students 3.276.027 96,2 96,9 69,5 72,7 79 26,3 92,4 48,1 86,4 46,5 44,8 Employment situation: Inactive population: Household chores 1.369.212 51,1 51,9 21,7 22,7 34,6 4,3 43 14,3 21,7 9,6 36,3 Employment situation: Inactive population: Pensioners 2.043.679 63,2 60,9 34,8 30,1 45,4 9,5 44,4 15,5 21,6 15,9 39,2 Employment situation: Other employment situation 328.847 76,9 74,8 41,7 39,3 46,2 5,7 62,2 28,9 39,6 17,3 48,4 Professional status (in main job): Worker employed by others 12.247.612 82,5 82,8 58,4 58,7 69,2 19,2 76 40,1 53,4 36,5 41,4 Professional status (in main job): Self-employed or freelance workers 2.817.336 77,9 78,2 55 52,9 64,6 16,9 66,9 32,6 41,5 33,4 41,3 Main occupation: Manual 4.036.775 64,1 63,9 34 37,6 52,5 11,1 58,4 26,2 29,3 24,6 36,9 Main occupation: Non-manual 11.028.174 88 88,5 66,5 64,9 74,1 21,6 80,1 43,3 59,2 40 43 Main occupation: ICT workers 533.098 99,2 98,5 96 97,6 95,3 84 97,6 93,6 94,6 89,5 72,9 Main occupation: Other workers 14.531.851 81 81,3 56,4 56,1 67,3 16,4 73,4 36,7 49,6 33,9 40,2 Net household monthly income: Less than 900 Euros 4.308.998 64,8 64,2 36,3 39,1 51,3 13,7 57,2 26,6 36,3 25,6 42,5 Net household monthly income: From 901 to 1,600 Euros 7.276.068 73,6 74 48,2 48 59,5 15,8 66,9 31,1 42,8 29,1 43 Net household monthly income: 1,601 to 2,500 euros 5.136.388 84,3 84,9 57,5 58,5 69,7 19,1 77,3 36 52 34,3 38,9 Net household monthly income: More than 2,500 Euros 4.605.174 92,9 92,7 74 71,2 80 23,3 83,7 49,8 67,7 44,9 42,1 Net household monthly income: DK/NA 6.172.967 79,6 80 51,5 52,4 62,1 18 70,5 34 51,5 32,7 41,3 Notas: Fuente: National Statistics Institute