Disability: Absolute Figures Chapter 5: Personal Autonomy Level

Participating in decision-making associated to personal autonomy, by gender and centre type. Population with disabilities.

  • Select values to consult
    • Selected:3
    • Selected:5
    • Selected:10
  • Choose format of the table
      • Situation in which they participate in decision-making
      • Sex
      • Type of centre
      . . .
      . . .
      . . .
  • Notes
    • 1) The information refers to decision-making in each of the proposed activities. A person can participate in making different decisions.
      2) Los datos correspondientes a celdas con menos de quinientas people han de ser tomados con precaución, ya que pueden estar afectados de elevados errores de muestreo.
Total: 0seriesy 0cells
  • Source:National Statistics Institute