Standard of living, quality of life and living conditions Living Conditions Survey (ECV)

Renta por persona y unidad consumo por comunidades autónomas

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  • Choose format of the table
      • Average net annual income per person and consumption unit
      • Periodo
      • Autonomous Communities and Cities
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  • Notes
    • 1) Average net annual income per person and consumption unit (the year prior to that of the interview):
      Average income per person (with imputed rent):
      The definition of household income includes imputed rent. Imputed rent is applie d to those households that do not pay complete rent, due to being the homeown ers, or to occupying a rented dwelling at a price that is lower than the mark et price, or free of charge. The value imputed is equivalent to the rent that would be paid on the market for a dwelling that is similar to that occupied, less any rent actually paid. Likewise, the interest on the loans requested f or purchasing the main dwelling are deducted from the total household income.
      Average income per consumption unit (with imputed rent):
      The definition o f household income includes imputed rent. Imputed rent is applied to those ho useholds that do not pay complete rent, due to being the homeowners, or to oc cupying a rented dwelling at a price that is lower than the market price, or free of charge. The value imputed is equivalent to the rent that would be pai d on the market for a dwelling that is similar to that occupied, less any ren t actually paid. Likewise, the interest on the loans requested for purchasing the main dwelling are deducted from the total household income. Income per person is obtained, for each household, by dividing the total hous ehold income by the number of members of said household. Income per consumpti on unit is obtained, for each household, by dividing the total household inco me by the number of consumption units. The distribution of persons is taken.
Total: 0seriesy 0cells
  • Source:National Statistics Institute