INEbase / A-Z Statistics
Statistical operations in INEbase: A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W
- A
- Access by Companies to Finance
- Acquisition of Spanish Citizenship of Residents
- Actions taken by the Electoral Register Office
- Activity rate projections
- Agrarian Census
- Agriculture (International)
- Air Emission Accounts
- Alterations to the municipalities in the Population Censuses since 1842
- Annual Labour Cost Survey
- Annual Spanish National Accounts
- Audiovisual Services Survey
- AyudaCod. Program for assisting with encoding
- B
- Bankruptcy Proceedings Statistics
- Basic Demographic Indicators
- Birth Statistics. Vital Statistics
- Book Publishing Activity
- Business Confidence Indicators
- Business Turnover Index
- C
- Campsite Occupancy Survey
- Central Companies Directory: Statistical use
- Classification of Products by Activities. CPA
- Consumer Prices Index
- Contentious Administrative Statistics
- Continuous Household Survey
- Continuous Register Statistics
- Conviction Statistics: Adults
- Conviction Statistics: Minors
- CPA. classification of products by activities 2008
- Credit Sales
- D
- Death Statistics. Vital Statistics
- Declared Bankruptcies and Suspensions of Payments
- Demography (International)
- E
- Economically Active Population Survey
- Economic Activity Rate Projections
- Education (International)
- Employment of Persons with Disabilities, The
- Energy Consumption Survey
- Environmental Tax Account
- European Union Household Panel
- Export and Import Price Indices for Industrial Products
- F
- Fertility Survey
- Foreclosure Statistics
- G
- GESCLA 2009: statistical classification management
- H
- Harmonised Business Demographics
- Harmonised Labour Cost Index
- Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices
- HBCS. Household Budget Continuous Survey
- HBS. Household Budget Survey
- Health (International)
- Health and Sexual Habits Survey
- High Technology Indicators
- Holiday Dwellings Occupancy Survey
- Hospital Indicators Statistic
- Hospital Morbidity Survey
- Hostel Occupancy Survey
- Hotel Establishment Structural Survey
- Hotel Income Index
- Hotel Occupancy Survey
- Hotel Price Index
- Household Expenditure on Education
- Household Projection
- Housing Price Index
- Household projection
- I
- ICT Sector Indicators
- Indicators on the profitability of the hotel sector
- Industrial Cleaning Services Survey
- Industrial new orders received indices
- Industrial Price Index
- Industrial Production Index
- Industrial Products Survey
- Industrial Turnover Indices
- Industry and Energy (International)
- INEbase Historia
- Information Technology in Households Survey
- Innovation in Companies Survey
- In-patient health-care institutions
- Inward FATS
- IT Services Survey
- J
- L
- Labour and Geographical Mobility Statistics
- Labour Force (International)
- Labour Price Index
- Life Tables
- List of municipalities and their codes by provinces
- List of place name: Population of the Continuous Municipal Register by Population Unit
- Living conditions survey
- M
- Magistrates' Court Statistics
- Material Flow Account
- Material Price Indices and National Labour Force Indices
- Marriage Statistics. Vital Statistics
- Mercantile Companies
- Migrations Statistic
- Monthly statistical bulletin
- Death Statistic according to Cause of Death
- Mortgages
- Most frequent names and surnames
- N
- National Classification of Economic Activities. CNAE
- National Classification of Education, CNED
- National Classification of Occupations. CNO
- National Health Survey
- National Immigrant Survey
- O
- Official Population Figures. Revision of the Municipal Register
- Other environmental accounts
- Outward FATS
- P
- Passenger Transport Statistic
- Personal Services Survey
- Physical variables and environment (International)
- Population and Housing Censuses
- Population figures
- Population Projections
- Postal and telecommunications services
- Preview of University Education
- Private Education Financing and Expenditure Statistic
- Projections of the population
- Public Service Car Statistics
- Q
- Quality of Life Indicators
- Quarterly Labour Cost Survey
- Quarterly non-financial accounts for the Institutional Sectors
- Quarterly Spanish National Accounts
- R
- Rail Transport Statistic
- Registered Health Professionals
- Residential Variations Statistics
- Residents Travel Survey. ETR/Familitur
- Retail Trade Indices
- Retail Trade Survey
- Rural Tourism Accommodation Occupancy Survey
- S
- Services (International)
- Services sector activity indicators
- Services Sector Inward FATS
- Short-Term Stock and Inventory Survey
- Social indicators
- Social Integration and Health Survey
- Spain in figures
- Spain indicators for the IMF
- Spanish Regional Accounts
- Standard of Living (International)
- Standards
- Statistical use of the Register of Spaniards resident abroad
- Statistical yearbook of Spain
- Statistics on Acquisition of Spanish Citizenship of Residents
- Statistics on annulments, separations and divorces
- Statistics on Biotechnology Use
- Statistics on Environmental Protection Activities
- Statistics on Lawsuits in Urban Leases
- Statistics on Libraries
- Statistics on Products in the Services Sector
- Statistics on Products in the Trade Sector
- Statistics on R&D activities
- Statistics on suicide in Spain
- Statistics on the Collection and Treatment of Waste
- Statistics on the Flows of the Economically Active Population
- Statistics on the generation of waste
- Statistics on transfer of property rights
- Statistics on water usage
- Stock market
- Structural Business Statistics: Industrial Sector
- Structural Business Statistics: Services Sector
- Structural Business Statistics: Trade Sector
- Survey of the corporate structure of travel agencies
- Survey of wages in industry and services
- Survey on Adult Population Involvement in Learning Activities
- Survey on Homeless Persons
- Survey on households and the environment 2008
- Survey on Human Resources in Science and Technology
- Survey on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and e-commerce use in enterprises
- Survey on Industry Expenditure on Environmental Protection
- Survey on Production Methods in Agricultural Operations 2009
- Survey on Support Centres for Homeless Persons
- Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households
- Survey on the International Mobility of Students
- Survey on the Structure of Agricultural Operations
- Survey on the labour market insertion of university graduates
- Survey on the Transition from Education and Training to Labour Market Insertion
- Survey on water supply and sewerage
- Surveys on Disabilities
- Sustainable development indicators
- T
- Tax statistics
- Technical Services Survey
- The European Health Survey Project
- The Foreign Trade in Services Indices
- The Iberian Peninsula in Figures
- Time Use Survey
- Tourist Expenditure Survey. Egatur
- Tourism Satellite Account of Spain
- Tourist Campsites Price Index, Tourist Apartments Price Index and Rural Tourism Accommodation Price Index
- Tourist Movement on Borders. Frontur
- U
- University Education Statistic
- University Entrance Exams
- Unpaid bills of exchange
- Urban indicators
- V
- Vital Statistics for Spaniards residing abroad
- W
- Wages of Persons with Disabilities, The
- Wage Survey for Industry and Services
- Wages Structure Surveys
- Wholesale Trade Survey
- Women and Men in Spain
- Working Time Survey