Censo Electoral
Sede electrónica
Correo Electrónico
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INE- National Statistics Institute. Spain
Agrarian Census 2020. Atlas
Agrarian Census 2020. Overview
Births on February 29th in leap years
Conjuncture indicator panel
CPI. Yearly rates
Daily deaths
Demographic phenomena. Natality, nuptiality, mortality
Demography of Europe
Enterprises by economic sector
Experimental Statistics maps and infographics
Hotel Tourism Short-Term Trends
Household budget
Household income distribution map
How many people turn years...?
IMF. Economic indicators
Infographics of electoral processes (since 2023)
Key Figures on Europe
LFS. Unemployment, activity and employment
Material flow accounts
Most frequent causes of death
Names and surnames
New Technologies in Households
People on the move. EU
Population and Housing Censuses 2021. Map viewer
Population and Housing Censuses. Map viewer
Population flow in the labour market
SDG. Indicators Agenda 2030
Statistical Use of the Central Business Register. CBR
Territorial Statistics
The European economy since the start of the millennium
The most popular baby names
Tourism indicators
Ukrainians in Spain
Update a personal income with the CPI
What is the population of...?
Woman and men in Europe
You in the EU
Young Europeans