2016-2022 series
- Disability and relationship with the Social Security agency
- Disability and workers registered with the Social Security agency
- Disability and characteristics of social security registrations
Disability and contributory benefits
- Última modificación:
- 09/04/2024
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 5,447.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- Gender, Service, People with and without disabilities
- Última modificación:
- 09/04/2024
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 10,582.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- Age groups, Service, People with and without disabilities
- Última modificación:
- 09/04/2024
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 5,465.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- Nationality, Service, People with and without disabilities
- Última modificación:
- 09/04/2024
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 27,517.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- Autonomous community, Service, People with and without disabilities
- Última modificación:
- 09/04/2024
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 70,982.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- Province, Service, People with and without disabilities
- Última modificación:
- 09/04/2024
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 8,011.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- Type of disability associated with the grouping of impairments, Service, Persons with disability
- Última modificación:
- 09/04/2024
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 4,333.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
- Degree of disability, Service, Persons with disability
- Disability and age of first employment registration with the Social Security agency (for those born after 1960)
- Relative sampling errors