10 September 2024

Industrial Production Index (IPI)

July 2024. Provisional data

Main results

  • The annual rate of the Industrial Production Index stood at -0.4% in the seasonally and calendar adjusted series and at 4.4% in the original series.
  • The monthly variation of the Industrial Production Index was -0.4%, if seasonal and calendar effects are eliminated.

The Industrial Production Index adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects presented in July a variation of -0.4% with respect to the same month of the previous year. This rate was 0.6 points lower than that registered in June.

The original IPI series experienced an annual change of 4.4%. This rate was 8.7 points higher than that of the month of June.

General Industrial Production Index

Annual rate. Percentage

By sectors, and in indexes adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects, Intermediate goods (1.5%) presented the highest annual rate. In contrast, Capital goods (-4.8%) recorded the lowest rate.

Annual rates of the industrial production index: General and by economic use of the goods. July 2024

Monthly evolution of industrial production

The monthly change of the Industrial Production Index (IPI) between July and June, eliminating seasonal and calendar effects, was -0.4%. This rate was 0.6 points lower than that registered in June.

General Industrial Production Index

Fixed seasonal and calendar effects. Monthly rate. Percentage

By sectors, all presented negative monthly rates. Intermediate goods (-0.2%) had the highest rate and, on the contrary, Non-durable consumer goods (-0.8%) had the lowest rate.

Results by Autonomous Communities. Annual variation rates of industrial production. Original series

The annual industrial production rate increased compared with July 2023 in 14 autonomous communities and decreased in the other three.

General index: national and by Autonomous Communities. July 2024

Annual rate. Percentage

Data revisions and updates

INE has today updated the IPI data for the last two months. In the case of the series adjusted, the series have been reviewed from the beginning, following the INE standard. All results of this operation are available on INEBase.

Methodological note

The Industrial Production Index (IPI) is a short-term indicator that measures the monthly evolution of the productive activity of the industrial branches, excluding construction, contained in the National Classification of Economic Activities 2009 (CNAE-2009). It therefore investigates the activities included in sections B, C, D and division 36: Water collection, treatment and supply, from section E of the CNAE-2009.

The IPI measures the joint evolution of quantity and quality, eliminating the influence of prices.

Type of survey:
monthly continuous survey.
Base year:
Population scope:
industrial establishments whose main activity is included in sections B, C, D and division 36 of the CNAE-2009.
Geographical scope:
the entire national territory.
Sample size:
11,500 industrial establishments and more than 1,100 products.
Collection method:
internet (IRIA system), e-mail, fax, telephone or postal mail.

More information is available in the methodology and in the standardised methodological report.

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information in Quality at INE and the Code of Best Practices.

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