16 October 2024

Business Confidence Indicators (BCI)

Fourth Quarter 2024

Main results

  • The Business Confidence Index decreases by 1.2% in the fourth quarter of 2024 as compared with the third quarter.
  • 21.6% of business establishments managers considered that the performance of their business during the fourth quarter of 2024 would be favourable, while 14.8% thought it would be unfavourable.

More information

Business Confidence

The Harmonised Business Confidence Index decreases by 1.2% in the fourth quarter of 2024 as compared with the third quarter.

Business Confidence. Fourth Quarter 2024

Quarterly rate

The five sector analysed reduced confiance with respect to the previous quarter. Industry (-3.0%) registered the greatest decreases. On the other hand, Trade (-0.4%) registered the lowest decreases.

The five sizes of establishments analysed presented a decrease in confidence, as compared with the previous quarter. 1,000 or more employees (-1.5%) registered the greatest decrease. On the other hand, Less than 10 employees (-1.1%) the smallest decrease.

Opinions regarding the coming quarter (Expectations)

21.6% of business establishments managers considered that the performance of their business durint the fourth quarter of 2024 would be favourable, while 14.8% thought it would be unfavourable.

Opinions regarding the coming quarter (Expectations)

11.3% of business establishments managers consider that employment, referring to personnel hired in their business, will increase in the fourth quarter of 2024, while 12.2% believe that it will decrease.

11.1% of business establishments managers foresee that the price level of their business will increase in the fourth quarter of 2024, while 5.7% estimate that it will decrease.

Opinions regarding the ending quarter (Situation)

22.1% of business establishments managers expressed a favourable opinion regarding the performance of their business in the third quarter 2024. In turn, 15.6% had an unfavourable opinion.

Opinions regarding the ending quarter (Situation)

Results by Autonomous Communities

Business confidence decreased in the fourth quarter of 2024 as compared with previous quarter in 13 autonomous communities and increased in the other four.

The largest decreases were recorded in Illes Balears (-4.8%), País Vasco (-4.0%) and Cantabria (-3.8%). The largest increases were recorded in Canarias (2.4%), Galicia (1.7%) and Región de Murcia (0.7%).

National index and by Autonomous Communities. Fourth Quarter 2024

Quarterly Rate 

Review and update of data

The data published today is final and is not subject to further revision. All the results are available on INEBase.

Methodological note

The objective of this survey is to find out, at a given time, the vision that establishment managers have about their situation.

The BCI survey collects opinions from establishment managers regarding the performance of their business for each last quarter and on their expectations for each coming quarter.

The methodology is based on the Japanese TANKAN index, that is, there is no weighting or elevation depending on the characteristics of the establishment since the opinion of each informant counts equally.

The survey methodology enables the integration of analogous data compiled by the statistics services of the Autonomous Communities, once their consistency is checked so they can be incorporated into the general process of the survey. There are currently agreements signed to this effect with Andalucia, Illes Balears, Canarias, Castilla y León, Cataluña, la Rioja, Extremadura and Comunitat Valenciana.

Type of survey:
quarterly continuous survey.
Base period:
First quarter of 2013.
Population scope:
all establishments whose main activity is included in the following sections of CNAE-2009: B to N (both inclusive, except for division 70), R (only divisions 92 and 93) and S (only divisions 95 and 96).
Geographical scope:
the entire national territory.
Sample size:
The simple is representative both nationally and by Autonomous Community and is made up of some 8,000 establishments.
Reference period:
the reference is quarterly and questions are asked about the quarter ending and about the coming quarter.
Collection method:
completion of the questionnaire by establishment managers themselves using one of the following methods: internet (IRIA system), e-mail, fax, telephone or by postal mail.

Further information is available in the methodology and the standarized methodological report.

INE's statistics are produced according to the European Statistics Code of Practice. For further information at Quality at INE and Code of Practice.

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