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21 June 2024

Services Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI)

April 2024. Provisional data

Main results

  • The annual variation of the Market Services Sector turnover index was 3.0% in the calendar and seasonally adjusted series. 
  • In April, the monthly rate was 2.5% if seasonal and calendar effects are removed.

More information

The general index of the turnover for the Market Services Sector, after adjusting for seasonal and calendar effects, experienced a variation of 3.0% in April compared to the same month of 2023. This rate was 3.3 points higher than that recorded in March.

The original series presented an annual variation of 8.8%, which was 14.7 points above that registered in March.

General index of turnover for the Market Services Sector

Annual Rate. Percentage

Annual rates in Turnover index for the Market Services Sector: General and by sector. April 2024

Monthly trend in turnover for the Market Services Sector

After adjusting for seasonal and calendar effects, the monthly variation of the general index of turnover for the Market Services Sector between April and March was 2.5%. This rate was 5.4 points higher than that observed in March.

General index of the turnover for the Market Services Sector. Seasonally and calendar adjusted

Monthly rate. Percentage

Results by Autonomous Community. Annual variation rates of the turnover index. Original series

All Autonomous Communities increased the Turnover index for the Market Services Sector in April as compared to 2023.

La Rioja (17.2%), Castilla - La Mancha (13.4%) and Andalucía (12.0%) registered the largest increases. Aragón (4.4%), Illes Balears (6.1%) y Comunidad de Madrid (6.2%) recorded the lowest increases.

General index of Market Services Sector Turnover by Autonomous Community. April 2024

Annual Rate. Percentage

Employment trend

The Employment in the Market Services Sector index experienced a variation of 2.0% in April as compared to the same month of the previous year. This rate was two tenths lower than that registered in March.

National Indices of employed personnel by sector. April 2024

Review and update of data

The INE has updated the IASS data for the last five months. In the case of the series adjusted, the series have been reviewed from the beginning, following the INE standard. All results of this operation are available on INEbase.

Methodological note

The Service Sector Activity Indicators (IASS) measure the short-term evolution of the activity of companies belonging to the non-financial market Services through two variables: turnover and employed personnel. The turnover includes the amounts invoiced by the company for the provision of services and sale of goods. Employed personnel include both paid and unpaid personnel.

To obtain it, a continuous survey is carried out that investigates more than 27,000 companies that operate in this sector every month. The results are presented in the form of indices with the aim of measuring variations with respect to the base year 2021.

The characteristics of this statistic are:

Type of survey:
continuous monthly survey.
Base year:
Population scope:
companies whose main activity is described in sections G, (Commerce), H (Transportation and Storage), I (Hospitality), J (Information and Communications), L (Real Estate Activities), M (Professional Activities, Scientific and Technical) and N (Administrative Activities and Auxiliary Services) of the National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE-09).
Geographic scope:
the entire national territory, except Ceuta and Melilla, for which it is only included in division 47 of the CNAE-09 (retail trade).
Sample size:
27,500 companies
Sampling type:
Stratified random sampling.
Collection method:
online (IRIA system), administrative records, email, fax, telephone or postal mail.

More information on the methodology and the standardised methodological report.

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information on Quality at INE and the Code of Best Practices.

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