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13 February 2025

Continuous Population Statistics (CPS)

1 January 2025. Provisional data

Main Results

  • The population of Spain increased by 115,612 during the fourth quarter of 2024, standing at 49,077,984 inhabitants on 1 January 2025.
  • The main immigrant nationalities were Colombian, Venezuelan and Moroccan.
  • Comunitat Valenciana (0.47%), Comunidad de Madrid (0.44%), and Cataluña (0.34%) registered the highest population increases.

The resident population in Spain increased by 115,612 in the fourth quarter, and stood at 49,077,984 inhabitants as of 1 January 2025. This is the highest-ever figure since records began.

In annual terms, estimated population growth was 458,289 people.

Evolution of the population in Spain

Provisional data since 1 April 2024

Population by nationality and place of birth

This population growth was due to an increase in the number of people born abroad, since the number of people born in Spain decreased. The population born abroad (9,379,972 people) was greater than that of Spanish nationality, due to the processes of acquiring Spanish citizenship.

Thus, the number of foreigners rose by 100,793 during the quarter, reaching 6,852,348. The population of Spanish nationality fell by 14,819.

Evolution of the population in Spain

Fourth quarter 2024


The number of households stood at 19,425,559 on 1 January 2025, with an increase of 33,401 during the fourth quarter of 2024.

Evolution of the number of households in Spain

Provisional data since 1 April 2021

External migrations

The main nationalities of immigrants during the fourth quarter of 2024 were Colombian (with 43,400 arrivals in Spain), Venezuelan (30,500) and Moroccan (27,700).

On the other hand, the most numerous nationalities of emigrants were Moroccans (with 12,300 departures), Colombians (11,900) and Romanians (9,900).

External migrations, main nationalities. Immigration

Fourth quarter 2024

External migrations, main nationalities. Emigration

Fourth quarter 2024

Population by autonomous communities and cities

During the fourth quarter of 2024 the population grew in all the Autonomous Communities as well as in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

By autonomous community, the greatest increases were in Comunitat Valenciana (0.47%), Comunidad de Madrid (0.44%), and Cataluña (0.34%).

Population evolution by Autonomous Communities and Cities

Variation between the fourth and third quarters of 2024. Percentage

Data revisions and updates

The CPS data is provisional from the latest census published. The provisional population category will be revised quarterly until a new population census is published at the end of the year, and will be included as definitive resident population on the following publication from the Continuous Population Statistics -CPS- (in February of the following year). Similarly, the population data in family dwellings and households will be definitive when a new census of dwellings is published, the provisional data being updated every quarter.

The migration data only constitute in initial estimate and they will not be revised. The definitive statistics of migratory movements are published in the Statistics on Migrations and Changes of Residence.

All results of this operation are available on INEbase.

Methodological note

The purpose of the Continuous Population Statistics (CPS) is to provide a quantitative measurement of the population habitually resident in Spain, of the population resident in family dwellings and of the number of households. The population series are disaggregated by sex, year of birth, age, country of nationality and country of birth. The series of households are disaggregated by household and number of numbers.

The CPS always contains two types of data: definitive (until the latest published census), and provisional (since the last published census).

In addition, the CPS offers a first estimate of the external migrations detected during the quarter, for the main nationalities and countries of birth. These series will not be revised.

Type of operation:
statistics based on official data (mainly the continuous municipal register) and on other operations that have already been performed, such as censuses.
Population scope:
population residing in Spain, population residing in family dwellings and households.
Geographical scope:
national, autonomous communities and cities, provinces and islands.
Reference period for the results:
1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October each year.
Frequency of dissemination: 

For more information, you can access the methodology and the standardised methodological report.

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information on Quality at INE and the Code of Best Practices.

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