Greenhouse gas emissions per capita

Climate change
Action line
Environmental and climate pressures related to EU production and consumption
Type of indicator (global, European, national)
  • Global
  • National
Correlation with other sets of indicators
Total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from resident economic units per person, regardless of where they actually occur
Calculation method

\[ P P E G E I^{t}=\frac{E G E I^{t}}{P^{t}} \]Where: \( EG E I^{t}\)are the total greenhouse gas emissions of the economic units resident in year t (the total total national greenhouse gas emissions of the Emissions to the Atmosphere Account are distributed according to the total emissions of greenhouse gases by Autonomous Communities of the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (GEI) and \( P^{t}\)is the population on July 1st in year t.

Unit of measure
CO2 equivalent Tonnes per person
Disaggregated data(Gender, age, region in Spain, other)
Come from National Statistics Plan (YES/NO)
Statistical operation
Air Emissions Accounts (ISO code: 30084)
Responsible institution
Date of the last metadata update

This indicator is level III, so it disseminates a proxy following the recommendations of the United Nations. The indicator uses as data for total emissions of Greenhouse Gas (GEI) to the atmosphere the one published by the Emissions to the Atmospheric Account, which accounts for the emissions of all resident units, regardless of the geographical location where such emissions actually occur. It is different from the data of the Emissions to the Atmospheric Inventory that accounts for all sources of emissions in the national territory. The estimates of the Emissions to the Atmospheric Account are made from the National Inventories of Emissions to the Atmospheric, prepared by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.