Proportion of large sites for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity which are part of protected areas, by type of ecosystem

Action line
Environmental and climate pressures related to EU production and consumption
Type of indicator (global, European, national)
  • Global
  • European (sdg_15_20 (s))
  • National
  • s: similar
Correlation with other sets of indicators
SDG: 15.1.2
This indicator describes the trends observed in the percentage of crop land, forest, grassland, other land areas, settlements and wetlands found in protected spaces that are included in the Spanish Inventory of the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity.
Calculation method

La ocupación del suelo se determina a partir de la clasificación UNFCCC incorporada al Mapa Forestal de España. Identifica el grupo de los cultivos, se incluyen dentro de los bosques las clases "arbolado" y "arbolado ralo", se incluyen dentro de los pastizales las clases "arbolado disperso" y "desarbolado", se considera como “otras tierras” la clase "monte sin vegetación superior", se corresponden los asentamientos con la clase “artificial”, y se incluyen dentro de los humedales las clases “agua” y “humedales desarbolado".

Se combina esta información con la cartografía digital de los espacios protegidos incluidos en el Inventario Español del Patrimonio Natural y la Biodiversidad (Espacios Naturales Protegidos, Red Natura 2000 o Áreas protegidas por instrumentos internacionales).

Unit of measure
Disaggregated data(Gender, age, region in Spain, other)
By type of ecosystem
Come from National Statistics Plan (YES/NO)
Statistical operation
Espacios Naturales o de Interés (ISO code: 23031)
Date of the last metadata update

Data referring to December.
This file reflects the current methodology for calculating the indicator. This indicator is under review and its methodology will be modified in the next data update. The disaggregation by autonomous community may not be compatible with the disaggregation by type of ecosystem, so it would be appropriate to do it only for the total ecosystems, in a new sub-indicator.