Population in family dwellings in buildings destined mainly for dwellings according to year of arrival of
the household at the dwellings by year of construction of the building (grouped).
. 50-Zaragoza

  2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1991-1995 1981-1990 1971-1980 1961-1970 1941-1960 Before 1941 TOTAL
TOTAL 45202 5,31% 42941 5,04% 45654 5,36% 39898 4,69% 35039 4,12% 31035 3,64% 112621 13,23% 218811 25,70% 160771 18,88% 73050 8,58% 35547 4,17% 10922 1,28% 851491
Before 1900 1316 3,61% 1027 2,81% 1142 3,13% 939 2,57% 799 2,19% 714 1,96% 2842 7,79% 5181 14,20% 5546 15,20% 4972 13,63% 6301 17,27% 5705 15,64% 36484
1900-1920 825 4,96% 723 4,35% 480 2,89% 426 2,56% 362 2,18% 384 2,31% 1362 8,19% 2718 16,34% 2454 14,75% 1989 11,96% 2590 15,57% 2322 13,96% 16635
1921-1940 1240 5,03% 1004 4,07% 1041 4,22% 731 2,96% 700 2,84% 559 2,27% 2150 8,71% 4051 16,42% 4188 16,98% 2861 11,60% 3251 13,18% 2895 11,73% 24671
1941-1950 1475 4,44% 1251 3,76% 1330 4,00% 1090 3,28% 985 2,96% 810 2,44% 3059 9,20% 6027 18,14% 5334 16,05% 4032 12,13% 7839 23,59% . . 33232
1951-1960 3822 4,43% 3670 4,26% 3738 4,33% 2920 3,39% 2469 2,86% 2042 2,37% 8301 9,62% 14820 17,18% 14331 16,62% 14572 16,89% 15566 18,05% . . 86251
1961-1970 6790 4,18% 6867 4,22% 6791 4,18% 5706 3,51% 4921 3,03% 4016 2,47% 15143 9,31% 30696 18,88% 37068 22,79% 44624 27,44% . . . . 162622
1971-1980 6556 3,36% 6248 3,20% 6896 3,53% 5753 2,95% 5066 2,59% 4733 2,42% 18324 9,38% 49913 25,55% 91850 47,02% . . . . . . 195339
1981-1990 4078 2,60% 4093 2,61% 5250 3,35% 4639 2,96% 4620 2,95% 4217 2,69% 24441 15,59% 105405 67,25% . . . . . . . . 156743
1991-2001 19100 13,69% 18058 12,94% 18986 13,61% 17694 12,68% 15117 10,84% 13560 9,72% 36999 26,52% . . . . . . . . . . 139514