Employed persons 16 years of age and over in family dwellings according to occupation (large groups) by activity
of the establishment in which they work (large groups) .

  0 - Armed Forces 1 - Management of companies and public administrations 2 - Scientific and intellectual professionals and technicians 3 - Support technicians and professionals 4 - Administrative type employees 5 - Catering, personnel, protection and commercial vendors workers 6 - Employees qualified in agriculture and fishing 7 - Craftspersons and employees qualified for the manufacturing, construction and mining industries, except installation and machinery operators 8 - Installations and machinery operators 9 - Unqualified workers TOTAL
TOTAL 4342 29117 45316 40943 34050 48509 12012 59282 51388 35864 360823
    0 440 341 392 277 275 11398 335 600 2656 16714
Agriculture, livestock and fishing TOTAL
A - Agriculture, livestock, hunting and forestry 0 432 337 390 277 268 11388 330 597 2629 16648
B - Fishing 0 8 4 2 0 7 10 5 3 27 66
Industry TOTAL 0 5866 3900 8087 3933 2030 143 28694 32189 4304 89146
C - Extractive Industries 0 31 20 31 18 6 0 129 89 81 405
D - Manufacturing industry 0 5728 3608 7774 3755 1962 137 28087 31886 4108 87045
E - Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water 0 107 272 282 160 62 6 478 214 115 1696
Construction TOTAL 0 1650 1025 1506 1053 440 32 19008 2427 5060 32201
F - Construction 0 1650 1025 1506 1053 440 32 19008 2427 5060 32201
Services TOTAL 4342 21161 40050 30958 28787 45764 439 11245 16172 23844 222762
G - Commerce; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 0 9710 1201 7160 5247 17379 62 6270 2702 3538 53269
H - Accommodation 0 2703 113 516 731 10846 9 269 241 1636 17064
I - Transport, storage and communications 0 1427 997 2584 4578 767 16 1304 10509 1315 23497
J - Financial intermediation 0 1646 722 2243 4823 215 5 106 69 255 10084
K - Real estate and rental activities; business services 0 2116 6308 5726 2694 2296 21 925 606 5753 26445
L - Public Administration, defense and compulsory social security 4228 1201 4225 7274 6740 1885 217 1185 676 1901 29532
M - Education 45 668 15160 1598 1231 907 30 436 500 932 21507
N - Health and veterinary activities;social assistance 46 483 10107 2242 1424 7566 14 302 331 1648 24163
O - Other soc. activities and services provided to the community;personal services 19 1207 1197 1574 1281 3501 41 369 495 1173 10857
P - Household activities 0 0 15 35 33 401 24 79 43 5691 6321
Q - Extra-territorial organizations 4 0 5 6 5 1 0 0 0 2 23