Buildings destined mainly for dwellings, according to the number of dwellings by their state. 50-Zaragoza

  TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 39 40 or more
      142327 111607 9190 2071 1708 6821 6512 3436 982
    100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00%
In ruin     1861 1621 99 34 31 47 26 3 0
    1,31% 1,45% 1,08% 1,64% 1,81% 0,69% 0,40% 0,09% 0
Bad     2999 2467 122 81 69 166 80 13 1
    2,11% 2,21% 1,33% 3,91% 4,04% 2,43% 1,23% 0,38% 0,10%
Deficient     10258 8454 469 208 179 533 323 72 20
    7,21% 7,57% 5,10% 10,04% 10,48% 7,81% 4,96% 2,10% 2,04%
Good     127209 99065 8500 1748 1429 6075 6083 3348 961
    89,38% 88,76% 92,49% 84,40% 83,67% 89,06% 93,41% 97,44% 97,86%