Buildings primarily destined for housing, according to type of owner by state. 49-Zamora

  TOTAL One person The Community A company A public institution
      79195 75990 3137 59 9
    100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00%
In ruin     649 639 10 0 0
    0,82% 0,84% 0,32% 0 0
Bad     1692 1667 25 0 0
    2,14% 2,19% 0,80% 0 0
Deficient     7700 7547 150 3 0
    9,72% 9,93% 4,78% 5,08% 0
Good     69154 66137 2952 56 9
    87,32% 87,03% 94,10% 94,92% 100,00%