Population in family dwellings in buildings destined mainly for dwellings according to year of arrival of
the household at the dwellings by year of construction of the building (grouped).
. 41-Sevilla

  2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1991-1995 1981-1990 1971-1980 1961-1970 1941-1960 Before 1941 TOTAL
TOTAL 89241 5,21% 82558 4,82% 90639 5,29% 81633 4,76% 69503 4,05% 64462 3,76% 241690 14,10% 434827 25,36% 350061 20,42% 139286 8,12% 56859 3,32% 13678 0,80% 1714437
Before 1900 1080 2,83% 949 2,49% 1179 3,09% 1231 3,23% 1008 2,64% 1118 2,93% 3614 9,48% 7861 20,61% 6598 17,30% 4113 10,78% 5309 13,92% 4078 10,69% 38138
1900-1920 758 2,91% 843 3,24% 779 2,99% 772 2,96% 725 2,78% 581 2,23% 2465 9,47% 4927 18,92% 4509 17,32% 2856 10,97% 3547 13,62% 3276 12,58% 26038
1921-1940 1309 2,85% 1100 2,39% 1444 3,14% 1477 3,22% 1164 2,53% 1129 2,46% 4340 9,45% 7841 17,07% 8073 17,58% 5530 12,04% 6200 13,50% 6324 13,77% 45931
1941-1950 1743 3,03% 1701 2,95% 1929 3,35% 1810 3,14% 1560 2,71% 1439 2,50% 5277 9,17% 10416 18,09% 10099 17,54% 7299 12,68% 14295 24,83% . . 57568
1951-1960 4550 3,24% 4036 2,88% 4721 3,36% 4277 3,05% 3845 2,74% 3416 2,43% 13006 9,27% 26187 18,66% 26343 18,77% 22434 15,99% 27508 19,60% . . 140323
1961-1970 10801 3,38% 9255 2,90% 11092 3,47% 9961 3,12% 8271 2,59% 7177 2,25% 29173 9,14% 60976 19,10% 75483 23,64% 97054 30,40% . . . . 319243
1971-1980 14977 3,13% 14055 2,94% 16941 3,55% 15181 3,18% 12973 2,72% 11779 2,47% 46233 9,68% 126651 26,51% 218956 45,83% . . . . . . 477746
1981-1990 9048 2,99% 9017 2,98% 10920 3,61% 10412 3,44% 8618 2,85% 9012 2,98% 55818 18,43% 189968 62,73% . . . . . . . . 302813
1991-2001 44975 14,67% 41602 13,57% 41634 13,58% 36512 11,91% 31339 10,22% 28811 9,40% 81764 26,66% . . . . . . . . . . 306637