Buildings destined mainly for dwellings, according to year of construction (grouped) by their state. 40-Segovia

  TOTAL Before 1900 1900-1920 1921-1940 1941-1950 1951-1960 1961-1970 1971-1980 1981-1990 1991-2001
      64621 6660 4222 4788 5897 7630 6142 9298 9207 10777
    100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00%
In ruin     967 431 184 97 64 53 42 56 34 6
    1,50% 6,47% 4,36% 2,03% 1,09% 0,69% 0,68% 0,60% 0,37% 0,06%
Bad     1697 512 351 265 192 151 87 82 23 34
    2,63% 7,69% 8,31% 5,53% 3,26% 1,98% 1,42% 0,88% 0,25% 0,32%
Deficient     5996 1297 863 841 810 849 462 479 184 211
    9,28% 19,47% 20,44% 17,56% 13,74% 11,13% 7,52% 5,15% 2,00% 1,96%
Good     55961 4420 2824 3585 4831 6577 5551 8681 8966 10526
    86,60% 66,37% 66,89% 74,87% 81,92% 86,20% 90,38% 93,36% 97,38% 97,67%