Population in immigrant family dwellings during the last 2 years, according to place of origin by nationality
(Spanish or not), gender and age. 35-Palmas (Las)

  TOTAL Different municipality from the same province Different province from the same community Another community Lived abroad
TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 41630 18150 1249 9735 12496
Less than 16 7956 3679 215 1335 2727
16-29 14420 5787 370 4215 4048
30-39 11074 5194 387 2486 3007
40-49 4504 1904 159 965 1476
50-64 2633 1117 81 521 914
65 or more 1043 469 37 213 324
Male TOTAL 21312 9287 699 5031 6295
Less than 16 4015 1803 105 689 1418
16-29 6906 2685 188 2078 1955
30-39 5977 2825 232 1364 1556
40-49 2502 1107 103 517 775
50-64 1445 651 56 296 442
65 or more 467 216 15 87 149
Female TOTAL 20318 8863 550 4704 6201
Less than 16 3941 1876 110 646 1309
16-29 7514 3102 182 2137 2093
30-39 5097 2369 155 1122 1451
40-49 2002 797 56 448 701
50-64 1188 466 25 225 472
65 or more 576 253 22 126 175
Spanish TOTAL TOTAL 27744 16098 1112 8802 1732
Less than 16 5479 3450 202 1251 576
16-29 9780 5111 334 3851 484
30-39 7306 4542 333 2194 237
40-49 2720 1601 133 837 149
50-64 1676 955 73 469 179
65 or more 783 439 37 200 107
Male TOTAL 14230 8170 614 4559 887
Less than 16 2723 1685 99 645 294
16-29 4657 2337 170 1900 250
30-39 3995 2468 195 1209 123
40-49 1551 924 85 458 84
50-64 958 555 50 268 85
65 or more 346 201 15 79 51
Female TOTAL 13514 7928 498 4243 845
Less than 16 2756 1765 103 606 282
16-29 5123 2774 164 1951 234
30-39 3311 2074 138 985 114
40-49 1169 677 48 379 65
50-64 718 400 23 201 94
65 or more 437 238 22 121 56
Foreign TOTAL TOTAL 13886 2052 137 933 10764
Less than 16 2477 229 13 84 2151
16-29 4640 676 36 364 3564
30-39 3768 652 54 292 2770
40-49 1784 303 26 128 1327
50-64 957 162 8 52 735
65 or more 260 30 0 13 217
Male TOTAL 7082 1117 85 472 5408
Less than 16 1292 118 6 44 1124
16-29 2249 348 18 178 1705
30-39 1982 357 37 155 1433
40-49 951 183 18 59 691
50-64 487 96 6 28 357
65 or more 121 15 0 8 98
Female TOTAL 6804 935 52 461 5356
Less than 16 1185 111 7 40 1027
16-29 2391 328 18 186 1859
30-39 1786 295 17 137 1337
40-49 833 120 8 69 636
50-64 470 66 2 24 378
65 or more 139 15 0 5 119

"Immigrant population in the last 2 years" is understood to mean those who arrived in the current municipality
in 2000 or 2001.