Unemployment rates for men between 16 and 64 years old by type of cohabitation. 32-Ourense |
TOTAL | Alone | Without a partner and with one of their parents | With their partner, without children nor parents | With their partner and 1 child, without their parents | With their partner and 2 children, without their parents | With their partner and three children, without their parents | With their partner and 4 or more children, without their parents | With their partner and/or a child and one of their parents | Without a partner and without their parents | |
TOTAL | 11,69% | 15,14% | 16,37% | 10,80% | 7,92% | 6,29% | 8,25% | 10,38% | 10,12% | 14,22% |
32001-Allariz | 10,23% | 11,63% | 15,51% | 7,96% | 7,98% | 4,00% | 2,22% | 16,67% | 6,67% | 18,18% |
32002-Amoeiro | 5,81% | 8,57% | 7,27% | 2,44% | 2,33% | 5,88% | 7,69% | 20,00% | 0,00% | 12,00% |
32003-Arnoia (A) | 12,73% | 23,08% | 11,34% | 3,03% | 17,50% | 14,71% | 0,00% | 25,00% | 22,22% | 9,52% |
32004-Avión | 12,01% | 23,08% | 11,81% | 18,18% | 6,25% | 14,71% | 9,09% | 66,67% | 5,88% | 4,17% |
32005-Baltar | 10,65% | 0,00% | 15,20% | 11,11% | 3,33% | 9,09% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 11,76% | 0,00% |
32006-Bande | 18,93% | 16,67% | 23,16% | 22,86% | 16,67% | 7,46% | 21,43% | 0,00% | 30,00% | 19,57% |
32008-Barbadás | 11,20% | 10,92% | 19,17% | 9,09% | 8,42% | 5,04% | 14,67% | 12,50% | 16,13% | 11,72% |
32009-Barco de Valdeorras (O) | 5,36% | 4,41% | 11,38% | 3,39% | 2,69% | 2,38% | 4,08% | 11,11% | 6,00% | 10,93% |
32007-Baños de Molgas | 14,16% | 21,88% | 14,22% | 15,38% | 18,57% | 5,56% | 10,00% | 0,00% | 10,00% | 14,29% |
32010-Beade | 22,67% | 33,33% | 49,02% | 0,00% | 3,57% | 0,00% | 20,00% | 0 | 0,00% | 30,77% |
32011-Beariz | 17,52% | 11,11% | 21,05% | 4,76% | 18,52% | 21,43% | 16,67% | 0 | 18,18% | 18,18% |
32012-Blancos (Os) | 13,26% | 9,09% | 13,59% | 28,57% | 12,82% | 11,11% | 25,00% | 0,00% | 10,53% | 12,50% |
32013-Boborás | 14,81% | 15,79% | 19,42% | 10,87% | 12,00% | 10,00% | 9,09% | 33,33% | 9,38% | 14,89% |
32014-Bola (A) | 10,00% | 23,81% | 10,68% | 5,26% | 6,12% | 6,06% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 8,70% | 16,67% |
32015-Bolo (O) | 19,05% | 53,33% | 15,89% | 25,00% | 20,59% | 17,24% | 22,22% | 25,00% | 0,00% | 10,53% |
32016-Calvos de Randín | 13,62% | 15,00% | 17,35% | 13,33% | 4,00% | 12,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 9,09% | 12,50% |
32018-Carballeda de Avia | 20,79% | 38,89% | 23,03% | 25,00% | 27,08% | 4,29% | 22,22% | 0,00% | 36,36% | 14,29% |
32017-Carballeda de Valdeorras | 7,20% | 22,86% | 5,85% | 5,45% | 2,44% | 7,59% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 18,18% | 11,43% |
32019-Carballiño (O) | 10,95% | 19,23% | 16,38% | 8,93% | 9,17% | 4,62% | 3,09% | 9,09% | 9,46% | 12,37% |
32020-Cartelle | 21,62% | 33,33% | 22,98% | 27,27% | 14,29% | 11,84% | 20,00% | 16,67% | 15,63% | 26,53% |
32022-Castrelo de Miño | 10,84% | 2,27% | 18,97% | 2,56% | 9,52% | 8,06% | 8,33% | 0,00% | 2,78% | 7,89% |
32021-Castrelo do Val | 17,05% | 26,09% | 13,40% | 19,05% | 12,90% | 17,86% | 30,00% | 66,67% | 6,25% | 20,69% |
32023-Castro Caldelas | 12,53% | 25,00% | 14,79% | 18,52% | 9,52% | 8,33% | 8,33% | 0,00% | 7,14% | 0,00% |
32024-Celanova | 15,10% | 19,18% | 21,22% | 18,26% | 9,45% | 7,14% | 20,51% | 5,88% | 13,51% | 13,64% |
32025-Cenlle | 17,68% | 20,00% | 21,37% | 13,64% | 14,63% | 9,30% | 14,29% | 0,00% | 26,09% | 14,81% |
32029-Chandrexa de Queixa | 12,80% | 11,11% | 11,32% | 33,33% | 4,76% | 15,79% | 25,00% | 0 | 7,69% | 19,05% |
32026-Coles | 8,73% | 11,11% | 11,86% | 10,26% | 4,29% | 4,04% | 6,25% | 0,00% | 2,63% | 14,29% |
32027-Cortegada | 15,33% | 23,08% | 19,30% | 8,33% | 11,32% | 10,87% | 21,43% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 21,43% |
32028-Cualedro | 24,95% | 28,13% | 25,00% | 37,50% | 25,00% | 19,67% | 11,76% | 50,00% | 33,33% | 16,67% |
32030-Entrimo | 11,40% | 11,11% | 14,68% | 5,26% | 7,32% | 9,68% | 0,00% | 50,00% | 10,53% | 10,00% |
32031-Esgos | 15,06% | 22,22% | 17,74% | 0,00% | 11,11% | 4,65% | 21,43% | 0,00% | 11,11% | 33,33% |
32033-Gomesende | 22,03% | 37,50% | 22,41% | 23,53% | 19,35% | 13,64% | 14,29% | 0,00% | 27,27% | 21,43% |
32034-Gudiña (A) | 16,23% | 27,03% | 19,05% | 7,89% | 13,64% | 9,52% | 30,77% | 0,00% | 6,67% | 18,42% |
32035-Irixo (O) | 14,62% | 25,00% | 16,22% | 23,33% | 6,25% | 7,50% | 30,00% | 0,00% | 10,71% | 10,53% |
32038-Larouco | 12,40% | 18,75% | 10,81% | 0,00% | 21,43% | 3,57% | 25,00% | 0 | 0,00% | 25,00% |
32039-Laza | 24,16% | 43,75% | 22,83% | 32,00% | 18,87% | 20,69% | 50,00% | 0,00% | 13,33% | 20,51% |
32040-Leiro | 14,86% | 23,73% | 18,24% | 10,20% | 9,26% | 9,23% | 23,08% | 20,00% | 14,29% | 5,71% |
32041-Lobeira | 12,50% | 5,26% | 12,09% | 20,00% | 12,50% | 9,52% | 20,00% | 0,00% | 8,33% | 20,00% |
32042-Lobios | 18,92% | 22,50% | 16,18% | 27,27% | 13,33% | 18,52% | 0,00% | 20,00% | 16,67% | 40,00% |
32043-Maceda | 10,94% | 21,05% | 12,55% | 17,31% | 5,83% | 3,05% | 14,29% | 30,77% | 5,26% | 10,91% |
32044-Manzaneda | 22,69% | 35,00% | 24,55% | 30,00% | 13,16% | 18,18% | 10,53% | 33,33% | 22,22% | 33,33% |
32045-Maside | 9,31% | 8,00% | 11,57% | 9,09% | 8,55% | 4,96% | 5,26% | 25,00% | 8,82% | 9,76% |
32046-Melón | 19,79% | 13,33% | 22,33% | 26,92% | 18,92% | 12,07% | 23,08% | 0 | 42,86% | 5,88% |
32047-Merca (A) | 13,64% | 15,38% | 16,59% | 18,18% | 7,35% | 8,70% | 4,17% | 16,67% | 15,63% | 14,63% |
32048-Mezquita (A) | 23,28% | 19,51% | 27,34% | 27,27% | 16,67% | 17,14% | 30,77% | 0,00% | 11,11% | 24,49% |
32049-Montederramo | 14,34% | 12,12% | 13,46% | 22,22% | 17,24% | 21,74% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 17,65% | 7,41% |
32050-Monterrei | 21,45% | 27,03% | 20,74% | 15,63% | 25,23% | 22,11% | 26,09% | 0,00% | 12,90% | 18,18% |
32051-Muíños | 9,74% | 7,41% | 9,68% | 16,22% | 4,69% | 6,25% | 22,22% | 0,00% | 10,00% | 13,64% |
32052-Nogueira de Ramuín | 10,48% | 13,85% | 10,40% | 11,36% | 4,44% | 8,75% | 16,67% | 0,00% | 4,55% | 17,50% |
32053-Oímbra | 19,90% | 32,14% | 14,18% | 32,14% | 23,81% | 20,63% | 20,00% | 0,00% | 15,00% | 19,23% |
32054-Ourense | 10,17% | 10,89% | 18,67% | 7,53% | 5,78% | 5,03% | 5,15% | 8,21% | 10,68% | 12,78% |
32055-Paderne de Allariz | 9,32% | 16,67% | 11,45% | 14,29% | 6,98% | 6,98% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% |
32056-Padrenda | 21,07% | 22,22% | 23,50% | 32,73% | 23,29% | 20,37% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 3,23% | 16,00% |
32057-Parada de Sil | 25,17% | 38,46% | 30,26% | 25,00% | 8,33% | 11,11% | 0,00% | 0 | 0,00% | 30,77% |
32058-Pereiro de Aguiar (O) | 8,05% | 8,70% | 10,57% | 8,76% | 4,26% | 4,90% | 15,91% | 12,50% | 4,84% | 7,63% |
32059-Peroxa (A) | 10,60% | 10,42% | 10,73% | 15,56% | 5,97% | 12,07% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 5,26% | 15,28% |
32060-Petín | 17,22% | 34,78% | 17,76% | 27,78% | 6,06% | 10,64% | 18,18% | 0,00% | 8,33% | 27,78% |
32061-Piñor | 10,64% | 9,52% | 10,42% | 12,50% | 13,73% | 2,78% | 28,57% | 33,33% | 10,71% | 5,56% |
32063-Pobra de Trives (A) | 10,86% | 14,55% | 16,53% | 18,60% | 4,35% | 3,88% | 5,00% | 0,00% | 6,25% | 3,13% |
32064-Pontedeva | 6,82% | 0,00% | 4,26% | 10,00% | 17,39% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0 | 0,00% | 10,53% |
32062-Porqueira | 15,76% | 8,33% | 15,84% | 25,00% | 13,04% | 22,22% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 13,04% | 22,22% |
32065-Punxín | 13,46% | 16,67% | 11,76% | 28,57% | 13,04% | 3,13% | 50,00% | 0,00% | 21,43% | 27,27% |
32066-Quintela de Leirado | 14,37% | 30,77% | 12,99% | 30,77% | 7,14% | 8,33% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 33,33% | 7,14% |
32067-Rairiz de Veiga | 14,21% | 21,05% | 14,04% | 20,83% | 16,00% | 9,80% | 16,67% | 25,00% | 5,26% | 13,64% |
32068-Ramirás | 22,73% | 21,43% | 32,64% | 29,63% | 9,62% | 15,00% | 6,25% | 50,00% | 5,26% | 18,18% |
32069-Ribadavia | 10,91% | 20,75% | 14,10% | 11,65% | 9,46% | 4,84% | 3,17% | 7,14% | 20,69% | 14,71% |
32071-Riós | 15,42% | 16,13% | 16,75% | 12,82% | 12,12% | 16,39% | 27,27% | 0,00% | 10,00% | 15,15% |
32072-Rúa (A) | 8,29% | 13,70% | 13,46% | 9,30% | 4,20% | 3,20% | 3,45% | 0,00% | 9,52% | 15,38% |
32073-Rubiá | 12,79% | 22,58% | 18,42% | 12,82% | 3,45% | 4,62% | 9,09% | 0,00% | 9,09% | 13,64% |
32074-San Amaro | 16,11% | 56,52% | 11,48% | 22,22% | 5,41% | 11,90% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 12,50% | 29,63% |
32075-San Cibrao das Viñas | 8,50% | 9,41% | 12,17% | 4,63% | 6,85% | 6,21% | 5,13% | 16,67% | 0,00% | 10,77% |
32076-San Cristovo de Cea | 8,09% | 9,38% | 8,71% | 5,26% | 9,00% | 9,64% | 4,35% | 0,00% | 4,55% | 8,33% |
32070-San Xoán de Río | 12,09% | 0,00% | 15,96% | 11,11% | 15,79% | 5,56% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 18,18% |
32077-Sandiás | 12,39% | 11,76% | 9,26% | 26,92% | 17,14% | 0,00% | 11,11% | 100,00% | 13,95% | 16,67% |
32078-Sarreaus | 7,05% | 12,50% | 8,87% | 12,50% | 2,17% | 2,86% | 0,00% | 0 | 0,00% | 13,64% |
32079-Taboadela | 5,31% | 13,33% | 5,19% | 5,13% | 8,00% | 2,82% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 4,55% |
32080-Teixeira (A) | 15,84% | 11,11% | 18,18% | 0,00% | 25,00% | 16,67% | 0,00% | 50,00% | 0,00% | 25,00% |
32081-Toén | 9,73% | 22,73% | 8,09% | 11,86% | 8,24% | 4,17% | 4,00% | 12,50% | 8,70% | 17,74% |
32082-Trasmiras | 24,86% | 27,78% | 20,00% | 42,11% | 27,91% | 17,07% | 27,27% | 0,00% | 18,18% | 33,33% |
32083-Veiga (A) | 14,29% | 14,29% | 17,05% | 22,22% | 8,70% | 3,45% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 28,57% |
32084-Verea | 22,79% | 23,08% | 20,61% | 40,91% | 20,69% | 12,90% | 100,00% | 0,00% | 20,00% | 31,82% |
32085-Verín | 9,96% | 13,07% | 15,31% | 9,48% | 6,60% | 5,70% | 9,45% | 10,00% | 6,67% | 13,24% |
32086-Viana do Bolo | 16,21% | 13,11% | 20,53% | 12,00% | 11,21% | 10,34% | 22,86% | 15,38% | 8,82% | 20,00% |
32087-Vilamarín | 9,39% | 8,11% | 11,22% | 7,89% | 7,69% | 6,56% | 11,11% | 0,00% | 3,13% | 13,79% |
32088-Vilamartín de Valdeorras | 9,04% | 21,62% | 12,31% | 11,76% | 3,33% | 4,44% | 3,57% | 0,00% | 3,45% | 12,00% |
32089-Vilar de Barrio | 17,03% | 30,77% | 15,51% | 12,50% | 16,67% | 11,90% | 12,50% | 0,00% | 10,71% | 30,77% |
32090-Vilar de Santos | 16,67% | 0,00% | 12,50% | 18,18% | 17,86% | 17,24% | 0,00% | 33,33% | 27,27% | 33,33% |
32091-Vilardevós | 20,16% | 26,42% | 17,45% | 25,00% | 20,34% | 16,92% | 21,43% | 33,33% | 17,39% | 30,30% |
32092-Vilariño de Conso | 18,92% | 16,67% | 20,73% | 5,56% | 19,05% | 30,30% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 18,18% | 13,04% |
32032-Xinzo de Limia | 9,69% | 12,41% | 12,07% | 8,57% | 11,11% | 6,00% | 7,14% | 5,88% | 6,82% | 9,55% |
32036-Xunqueira de Ambía | 9,47% | 21,88% | 7,61% | 23,08% | 3,70% | 4,00% | 25,00% | 0,00% | 4,00% | 11,76% |
32037-Xunqueira de Espadanedo | 9,84% | 0,00% | 8,18% | 20,00% | 12,90% | 7,69% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 33,33% | 9,09% |