Population in family dwellings 16 years of age and over, according to level of studies, by gender and age

. 31-Navarra

  Illiterates Uneducated Primary education Secondary education Higher education TOTAL
TOTAL Illiterate TOTAL Uneducated TOTAL Primary education TOTAL OSE, BGE, pre-university preparation course University preparation course Intermediate Professional Training Advanced Professional Training TOTAL Diploma course Degree Doctorate
TOTAL TOTAL 0,88% 0,88% 5,46% 5,46% 22,62% 22,62% 54,69% 30,64% 10,07% 6,49% 7,49% 16,36% 8,25% 7,45% 0,66% 466769
16-19 0,38% 0,38% 1,29% 1,29% 11,63% 11,63% 86,70% 48,70% 26,07% 8,04% 3,88% . . . . 24209
20-24 0,37% 0,37% 0,84% 0,84% 5,99% 5,99% 72,63% 21,38% 22,46% 11,67% 17,11% 20,17% 14,10% 6,07% . 40138
25-29 0,44% 0,44% 0,92% 0,92% 6,74% 6,74% 59,18% 23,13% 10,72% 9,22% 16,11% 32,72% 14,89% 17,25% 0,58% 46448
30-34 0,52% 0,52% 1,07% 1,07% 8,56% 8,56% 61,33% 28,22% 10,58% 9,51% 13,02% 28,53% 12,64% 14,82% 1,07% 46713
35-44 0,53% 0,53% 1,44% 1,44% 12,32% 12,32% 62,99% 33,00% 11,21% 9,45% 9,32% 22,72% 10,74% 10,74% 1,24% 86886
45-54 0,60% 0,60% 2,80% 2,80% 21,79% 21,79% 59,59% 40,25% 9,02% 5,58% 4,74% 15,21% 8,00% 6,35% 0,87% 71432
55-64 1,00% 1,00% 6,88% 6,88% 35,64% 35,64% 47,35% 36,42% 5,52% 2,83% 2,58% 9,12% 5,02% 3,56% 0,54% 55295
65-74 1,61% 1,61% 14,10% 14,10% 48,59% 48,59% 30,65% 25,33% 3,00% 1,36% 0,96% 5,05% 2,65% 2,02% 0,38% 52027
75-84 2,25% 2,25% 20,60% 20,60% 51,04% 51,04% 22,86% 19,13% 2,31% 0,99% 0,44% 3,25% 1,83% 1,22% 0,21% 33490
85 or more 3,64% 3,64% 25,71% 25,71% 48,41% 48,41% 18,71% 15,35% 1,88% 1,11% 0,38% 3,52% 2,10% 1,12% 0,31% 10131
    0,71% 0,71% 4,87% 4,87% 21,66% 21,66% 57,91% 31,51% 10,36% 7,35% 8,69% 14,86% 6,56% 7,51% 0,79% 231375
16-19 0,44% 0,44% 1,36% 1,36% 13,71% 13,71% 84,49% 50,21% 21,38% 9,38% 3,52% . . . . 12550
20-24 0,42% 0,42% 1,02% 1,02% 7,03% 7,03% 77,81% 25,75% 20,46% 13,92% 17,67% 13,72% 9,17% 4,55% . 20587
25-29 0,52% 0,52% 1,10% 1,10% 7,98% 7,98% 64,97% 27,46% 10,96% 10,17% 16,39% 25,42% 10,92% 14,03% 0,47% 23987
30-34 0,60% 0,60% 1,25% 1,25% 9,79% 9,79% 65,04% 30,53% 10,62% 10,37% 13,52% 23,31% 9,30% 12,98% 1,03% 24186
35-44 0,55% 0,55% 1,52% 1,52% 13,27% 13,27% 65,06% 33,20% 11,66% 9,50% 10,69% 19,60% 7,99% 10,32% 1,29% 44631
45-54 0,50% 0,50% 2,67% 2,67% 21,06% 21,06% 60,15% 37,20% 9,86% 6,22% 6,87% 15,62% 6,98% 7,51% 1,13% 36282
55-64 0,78% 0,78% 6,48% 6,48% 33,35% 33,35% 48,62% 34,89% 6,31% 3,49% 3,93% 10,77% 4,90% 5,01% 0,86% 27714
65-74 1,16% 1,16% 13,80% 13,80% 46,80% 46,80% 31,70% 25,25% 3,56% 1,46% 1,42% 6,54% 2,57% 3,30% 0,66% 24583
75-84 1,50% 1,50% 19,81% 19,81% 50,11% 50,11% 24,02% 19,36% 2,83% 1,15% 0,68% 4,56% 1,83% 2,29% 0,44% 13733
85 or more 2,98% 2,98% 24,09% 24,09% 46,89% 46,89% 20,24% 15,28% 2,95% 1,38% 0,64% 5,80% 2,27% 2,69% 0,83% 3122
Female TOTAL 1,04% 1,04% 6,04% 6,04% 23,57% 23,57% 51,52% 29,78% 9,79% 5,63% 6,32% 17,83% 9,91% 7,40% 0,52% 235394
16-19 0,33% 0,33% 1,22% 1,22% 9,38% 9,38% 89,07% 47,08% 31,13% 6,60% 4,26% . . . . 11659
20-24 0,31% 0,31% 0,66% 0,66% 4,88% 4,88% 67,19% 16,78% 24,57% 9,31% 16,53% 26,96% 19,29% 7,67% . 19551
25-29 0,36% 0,36% 0,73% 0,73% 5,41% 5,41% 52,99% 18,51% 10,47% 8,20% 15,81% 40,52% 19,12% 20,70% 0,70% 22461
30-34 0,43% 0,43% 0,87% 0,87% 7,23% 7,23% 57,34% 25,74% 10,54% 8,59% 12,47% 34,13% 16,23% 16,79% 1,11% 22527
35-44 0,50% 0,50% 1,36% 1,36% 11,31% 11,31% 60,81% 32,79% 10,74% 9,40% 7,88% 26,02% 13,65% 11,19% 1,19% 42255
45-54 0,70% 0,70% 2,94% 2,94% 22,55% 22,55% 59,02% 43,40% 8,16% 4,93% 2,53% 14,79% 9,05% 5,15% 0,60% 35150
55-64 1,22% 1,22% 7,29% 7,29% 37,94% 37,94% 46,07% 37,96% 4,72% 2,16% 1,23% 7,47% 5,14% 2,11% 0,21% 27581
65-74 2,00% 2,00% 14,37% 14,37% 50,20% 50,20% 29,72% 25,40% 2,51% 1,26% 0,55% 3,71% 2,71% 0,87% 0,12% 27444
75-84 2,77% 2,77% 21,14% 21,14% 51,68% 51,68% 22,06% 18,97% 1,94% 0,89% 0,27% 2,34% 1,83% 0,47% 0,05% 19757
85 or more 3,94% 3,94% 26,44% 26,44% 49,08% 49,08% 18,03% 15,38% 1,40% 0,98% 0,27% 2,51% 2,03% 0,41% 0,07% 7009