Population in immigrant family dwellings during the last 5 years, according to place of origin by nationality
(Spanish or not), gender and age. 31-Navarra

  TOTAL Different municipality from the same province Another community Lived abroad
TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 53480 26983 12376 14121
Less than 16 8694 4229 1649 2816
16-29 15678 6991 3409 5278
30-39 16158 8722 3727 3709
40-49 6425 3458 1467 1500
50-64 3844 2265 1041 538
65 or more 2681 1318 1083 280
Male TOTAL 27458 13840 6292 7326
Less than 16 4444 2197 853 1394
16-29 7674 3292 1655 2727
30-39 8664 4647 2004 2013
40-49 3525 1913 797 815
50-64 1993 1221 543 229
65 or more 1158 570 440 148
Female TOTAL 26022 13143 6084 6795
Less than 16 4250 2032 796 1422
16-29 8004 3699 1754 2551
30-39 7494 4075 1723 1696
40-49 2900 1545 670 685
50-64 1851 1044 498 309
65 or more 1523 748 643 132
Spanish TOTAL TOTAL 37901 25442 11009 1450
Less than 16 6142 4079 1553 510
16-29 9603 6418 2858 327
30-39 11611 8194 3214 203
40-49 4676 3252 1304 120
50-64 3350 2194 1006 150
65 or more 2519 1305 1074 140
Male TOTAL 19042 12956 5385 701
Less than 16 3149 2108 792 249
16-29 4412 2971 1300 141
30-39 6067 4331 1635 101
40-49 2562 1797 698 67
50-64 1778 1185 525 68
65 or more 1074 564 435 75
Female TOTAL 18859 12486 5624 749
Less than 16 2993 1971 761 261
16-29 5191 3447 1558 186
30-39 5544 3863 1579 102
40-49 2114 1455 606 53
50-64 1572 1009 481 82
65 or more 1445 741 639 65
Foreign TOTAL TOTAL 15579 1541 1367 12671
Less than 16 2552 150 96 2306
16-29 6075 573 551 4951
30-39 4547 528 513 3506
40-49 1749 206 163 1380
50-64 494 71 35 388
65 or more 162 13 9 140
Male TOTAL 8416 884 907 6625
Less than 16 1295 89 61 1145
16-29 3262 321 355 2586
30-39 2597 316 369 1912
40-49 963 116 99 748
50-64 215 36 18 161
65 or more 84 6 5 73
Female TOTAL 7163 657 460 6046
Less than 16 1257 61 35 1161
16-29 2813 252 196 2365
30-39 1950 212 144 1594
40-49 786 90 64 632
50-64 279 35 17 227
65 or more 78 7 4 67

"Immigrant population in the last 5 years" is understood to mean those who arrived in the current municipality
from 1997 and onwards.