Population in family dwellings in buildings destined mainly for dwellings according to year of arrival of
the household at the dwellings by year of construction of the building (grouped).
. 30-Murcia

  2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1991-1995 1981-1990 1971-1980 1961-1970 1941-1960 Before 1941 TOTAL
TOTAL 73662 6,20% 64134 5,39% 66932 5,63% 55647 4,68% 45139 3,80% 44004 3,70% 159848 13,45% 290147 24,40% 219855 18,49% 99767 8,39% 53099 4,47% 16652 1,40% 1188886
Before 1900 1406 4,06% 1014 2,93% 1043 3,02% 1040 3,01% 641 1,85% 782 2,26% 2673 7,73% 5366 15,51% 5271 15,24% 4358 12,60% 5825 16,84% 5172 14,95% 34591
1900-1920 922 3,85% 829 3,46% 872 3,64% 611 2,55% 524 2,19% 480 2,00% 1849 7,72% 3409 14,23% 3490 14,57% 2997 12,51% 3941 16,45% 4035 16,84% 23959
1921-1940 1508 4,08% 1116 3,02% 1047 2,84% 874 2,37% 748 2,03% 590 1,60% 2247 6,09% 4908 13,29% 5506 14,91% 4662 12,63% 6273 16,99% 7445 20,16% 36924
1941-1950 1878 4,05% 1702 3,67% 1650 3,56% 1287 2,77% 974 2,10% 998 2,15% 3300 7,11% 6875 14,82% 7229 15,58% 6234 13,43% 14277 30,77% . . 46404
1951-1960 4329 4,39% 3874 3,93% 3759 3,82% 2920 2,96% 2347 2,38% 1991 2,02% 7364 7,47% 15637 15,87% 16760 17,01% 16763 17,01% 22783 23,12% . . 98527
1961-1970 8659 4,16% 7812 3,75% 7654 3,68% 6417 3,08% 4556 2,19% 4414 2,12% 17325 8,32% 36827 17,70% 49696 23,88% 64753 31,11% . . . . 208113
1971-1980 11949 4,01% 10465 3,51% 11498 3,86% 8972 3,01% 7258 2,43% 7005 2,35% 28082 9,42% 81117 27,20% 131903 44,23% . . . . . . 298249
1981-1990 8222 3,53% 8153 3,50% 9772 4,20% 8928 3,83% 7725 3,32% 8329 3,58% 45676 19,62% 136008 58,42% . . . . . . . . 232813
1991-2001 34789 16,62% 29169 13,94% 29637 14,16% 24598 11,75% 20366 9,73% 19415 9,28% 51332 24,52% . . . . . . . . . . 209306