Households according to educational level of the reference person by sex and age of the reference person.

  TOTAL Illiterates or Uneducated Primary education Secondary education Higher education
TOTAL TOTAL 128396 16722 35929 58205 17540
Under 25 2586 118 367 1875 226
From 25 to 29 years 6437 168 610 4161 1498
From 30 to 34 years 10654 255 934 6695 2770
From 35 to 44 years 26789 685 2964 16691 6449
From 45 to 54 years 23447 1146 4993 13521 3787
From 55 to 64 years 18665 2623 6984 7570 1488
From 65 to 74 years 20548 5302 9600 4802 844
From 75 or more 19270 6425 9477 2890 478
Male TOTAL 78313 9353 23022 37424 8514
Under 25 1330 75 252 940 63
From 25 to 29 years 3221 116 447 2227 431
From 30 to 34 years 5926 194 680 4061 991
From 35 to 44 years 16161 505 2076 10655 2925
From 45 to 54 years 15917 755 3513 9337 2312
From 55 to 64 years 12637 1597 4726 5330 984
From 65 to 74 years 13197 3203 6273 3201 520
From 75 or more 9924 2908 5055 1673 288
Female TOTAL 50083 7369 12907 20781 9026
Under 25 1256 43 115 935 163
From 25 to 29 years 3216 52 163 1934 1067
From 30 to 34 years 4728 61 254 2634 1779
From 35 to 44 years 10628 180 888 6036 3524
From 45 to 54 years 7530 391 1480 4184 1475
From 55 to 64 years 6028 1026 2258 2240 504
From 65 to 74 years 7351 2099 3327 1601 324
From 75 or more 9346 3517 4422 1217 190

The Relationship with the reference person is not a direct question in the questionnaire but goes through
a very complex calculation process (prior selection of a standardised reference person that is always the
same in two similar households, in particular), therefore, in a small percentage of cases (irrelevant from
a statistical point of view), it may have been allocated incorrectly.