Employed persons 16 years of age and over in family dwellings according to occupation (large groups) by activity
of the establishment in which they work (large groups) .

  0 - Armed Forces 1 - Management of companies and public administrations 2 - Scientific and intellectual professionals and technicians 3 - Support technicians and professionals 4 - Administrative type employees 5 - Catering, personnel, protection and commercial vendors workers 6 - Employees qualified in agriculture and fishing 7 - Craftspersons and employees qualified for the manufacturing, construction and mining industries, except installation and machinery operators 8 - Installations and machinery operators 9 - Unqualified workers TOTAL
TOTAL 236 13709 16982 17271 13174 21201 14640 27643 19104 14181 158141
    0 584 227 535 396 336 13932 479 950 1757 19196
Agriculture, livestock and fishing TOTAL
A - Agriculture, livestock, hunting and forestry 0 579 226 529 392 330 13886 474 940 1742 19098
B - Fishing 0 5 1 6 4 6 46 5 10 15 98
Industry TOTAL 0 1868 839 2746 1481 969 191 9529 8991 1795 28409
C - Extractive Industries 0 11 3 9 8 0 2 22 33 8 96
D - Manufacturing industry 0 1781 737 2590 1387 926 186 9140 8818 1740 27305
E - Production and distribution of electrical energy, gas and water 0 76 99 147 86 43 3 367 140 47 1008
Construction TOTAL 0 1054 374 848 619 294 63 11887 1890 3296 20325
F - Construction 0 1054 374 848 619 294 63 11887 1890 3296 20325
Services TOTAL 236 10203 15542 13142 10678 19602 454 5748 7273 7333 90211
G - Commerce; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds and personal and household use articles 0 4620 399 3000 2134 8122 94 4154 1573 1661 25757
H - Accommodation 0 1913 37 274 424 4591 23 164 109 689 8224
I - Transport, storage and communications 0 563 204 816 1342 296 30 335 4494 180 8260
J - Financial intermediation 0 563 156 880 1736 70 6 53 36 73 3573
K - Real estate and rental activities; business services 0 866 1990 2347 1228 636 21 298 198 1235 8819
L - Public Administration, defense and compulsory social security 216 659 1514 3620 2559 966 149 391 224 662 10960
M - Education 8 213 7540 615 381 341 51 83 248 320 9800
N - Health and veterinary activities;social assistance 10 204 3280 1001 507 2739 33 86 179 508 8547
O - Other soc. activities and services provided to the community;personal services 2 601 415 578 350 1693 32 151 191 324 4337
P - Household activities 0 0 4 10 16 148 15 33 21 1681 1928
Q - Extra-territorial organizations 0 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 6