Rate of cohabitation with children in persons 75 years old or older according to sex and educational level


  TOTAL Male Female
TOTAL Illiterates Uneducated Primary education Secondary education Higher education TOTAL Illiterates Uneducated Primary education Secondary education Higher education TOTAL Illiterates Uneducated Primary education Secondary education Higher education
TOTAL 33,45% 37,93% 34,23% 30,91% 29,67% 27,78% 31,83% 33,95% 32,30% 30,77% 30,38% 32,88% 34,40% 39,29% 35,36% 30,99% 28,96% 19,90%
21001-Alájar 35,71% 42,86% 48,28% 20,69% 40,00% . 32,26% 20,00% 50,00% 0,00% 50,00% . 38,46% 100,00% 46,15% 28,57% 33,33% .
21002-Aljaraque 42,72% 43,04% 38,33% 52,94% 45,00% 11,11% 32,76% 40,00% 29,17% 42,86% 28,57% 12,50% 48,50% 44,44% 44,44% 57,45% 53,85% 0,00%
21003-Almendro (El) 24,66% 53,33% 20,00% 8,33% 0,00% . 23,08% 42,86% 18,75% 0,00% . . 25,53% 62,50% 20,69% 11,11% 0,00% .
21004-Almonaster la Real 31,40% 37,50% 30,37% 24,32% 40,00% 0,00% 35,96% 55,56% 31,58% 35,71% 44,44% . 28,76% 33,33% 29,49% 17,39% 36,36% 0,00%
21005-Almonte 33,95% 34,54% 34,41% 32,47% 35,09% 25,00% 31,82% 26,51% 35,59% 30,30% 33,33% 37,50% 35,44% 38,55% 33,54% 34,09% 37,50% 0,00%
21006-Alosno 27,77% 41,35% 26,37% 17,70% 25,64% 40,00% 23,81% 33,33% 27,54% 18,18% 19,23% 33,33% 30,18% 42,70% 25,66% 17,24% 38,46% 50,00%
21007-Aracena 31,96% 25,49% 35,34% 27,45% 35,29% 33,33% 30,34% 30,77% 32,56% 21,82% 45,00% 25,00% 32,83% 23,68% 36,81% 30,61% 29,03% 50,00%
21008-Aroche 21,41% 23,46% 18,84% 32,14% 27,27% . 18,97% 14,29% 17,33% 38,46% 14,29% . 22,75% 26,67% 19,70% 26,67% 50,00% .
21009-Arroyomolinos de León 17,81% 29,17% 18,75% 18,18% 6,45% . 13,64% 12,50% 16,28% 0,00% 11,11% . 21,25% 37,50% 21,62% 40,00% 4,55% .
21010-Ayamonte 35,53% 39,20% 33,05% 37,54% 31,91% 33,33% 33,33% 34,88% 31,97% 31,36% 40,00% 50,00% 36,73% 40,60% 33,63% 41,92% 27,12% 0,00%
21011-Beas 30,73% 22,41% 27,06% 43,12% 21,05% 0,00% 28,38% 20,00% 19,40% 41,51% 36,36% 0,00% 32,38% 23,26% 32,04% 44,64% 0,00% .
21012-Berrocal 36,92% . 37,50% 30,00% 38,46% . 35,71% . 42,86% 25,00% 35,29% . 37,84% . 33,33% 33,33% 40,91% .
21013-Bollullos Par del Condado 43,80% 43,52% 42,72% 44,25% 44,29% 80,00% 45,77% 41,27% 39,58% 51,02% 48,10% 100,00% 42,31% 44,44% 45,35% 39,06% 39,34% 0,00%
21014-Bonares 40,41% 47,44% 39,53% 36,67% 15,38% 66,67% 35,21% 30,77% 36,08% 36,36% 20,00% 66,67% 44,16% 55,77% 42,37% 36,84% 12,50% .
21015-Cabezas Rubias 27,72% 24,24% 32,69% 11,11% 28,57% . 27,91% 26,67% 31,82% 50,00% 0,00% . 27,59% 22,22% 33,33% 0,00% 66,67% .
21016-Cala 41,09% 60,00% 39,68% 35,71% 33,33% 0,00% 50,00% 66,67% 50,00% 52,63% 0,00% . 36,47% 58,82% 34,88% 21,74% 100,00% 0,00%
21017-Calañas 21,62% 31,25% 21,68% 15,56% 34,78% 0,00% 17,77% 35,00% 13,64% 15,28% 38,46% 0,00% 23,88% 30,26% 26,81% 15,74% 30,00% 0,00%
21018-Campillo (El) 18,39% 33,33% 14,81% 8,06% 24,00% 0,00% 17,11% 37,50% 15,38% 10,00% 25,00% . 19,05% 32,61% 14,55% 6,25% 23,08% 0,00%
21019-Campofrío 25,00% 33,33% 23,53% 30,77% 33,33% 0,00% 25,00% . 25,00% 25,00% 33,33% 0,00% 25,00% 33,33% 22,86% 33,33% . 0,00%
21021-Cartaya 32,77% 33,16% 32,78% 33,00% 31,91% 20,00% 31,30% 27,42% 27,87% 43,59% 44,44% 20,00% 33,66% 35,82% 36,11% 26,23% 24,14% .
21022-Castaño del Robledo 33,33% 0,00% 0,00% 45,00% 0,00% . 20,00% . 0,00% 28,57% 0,00% . 41,18% 0,00% 0,00% 53,85% . .
21020-Cañaveral de León 28,17% 17,65% 36,17% 0,00% . . 37,50% 0,00% 45,00% 0,00% . . 23,40% 20,00% 29,63% 0,00% . .
21023-Cerro de Andévalo (El) 29,18% 32,47% 30,67% 23,40% 33,33% 40,00% 30,09% 36,36% 30,51% 27,03% 0,00% 40,00% 28,70% 31,82% 30,77% 21,05% 50,00% .
21030-Chucena 43,50% 40,00% 49,37% 38,71% 40,00% 0,00% 42,65% 25,00% 48,57% 36,36% 100,00% 0,00% 44,04% 45,45% 50,00% 40,00% 0,00% .
21024-Corteconcepción 31,18% 33,33% 31,58% 28,57% . 0,00% 37,84% 50,00% 37,50% 33,33% . . 26,79% 28,57% 27,27% 25,00% . 0,00%
21025-Cortegana 22,32% 20,45% 19,50% 27,34% 31,25% 50,00% 21,23% 19,05% 17,58% 28,07% 12,50% 50,00% 22,97% 20,90% 20,67% 26,76% 50,00% .
21026-Cortelazor 28,57% 40,00% 50,00% 24,00% . 0,00% 25,00% . 50,00% 21,43% . . 31,58% 40,00% 50,00% 27,27% . 0,00%
21027-Cumbres de Enmedio 23,53% . 33,33% 18,18% . . 33,33% . 33,33% 33,33% . . 18,18% . 33,33% 12,50% . .
21028-Cumbres de San Bartolomé 25,47% 30,56% 28,57% 22,22% 0,00% 0,00% 29,17% 38,46% 15,38% 36,84% 0,00% 0,00% 22,41% 26,09% 50,00% 11,54% . 0,00%
21029-Cumbres Mayores 28,37% 29,79% 27,91% 28,36% 27,27% 25,00% 31,08% 30,77% 29,41% 33,33% 33,33% 33,33% 26,95% 29,41% 26,92% 26,53% 20,00% 0,00%
21031-Encinasola 24,11% 18,57% 32,21% 17,92% 9,09% . 26,05% 16,67% 31,03% 22,73% 20,00% . 23,04% 18,97% 32,97% 14,52% 0,00% .
21032-Escacena del Campo 43,37% 62,86% 41,49% 30,30% 25,00% . 42,03% 58,33% 36,84% 43,75% 33,33% . 44,33% 65,22% 44,64% 17,65% 0,00% .
21033-Fuenteheridos 24,19% 16,67% 31,25% 23,08% 28,57% 0,00% 36,84% 50,00% 60,00% 42,86% 0,00% 0,00% 18,60% 10,00% 18,18% 15,79% 66,67% .
21034-Galaroza 35,77% 50,00% 32,89% 39,29% 23,08% . 25,00% . 19,23% 44,44% 20,00% . 40,21% 50,00% 40,00% 36,84% 25,00% .
21035-Gibraleón 43,13% 44,69% 44,91% 36,36% 26,09% 55,56% 42,97% 45,10% 42,21% 45,00% 28,57% 75,00% 43,24% 44,53% 47,22% 29,17% 22,22% 40,00%
21036-Granada de Río-Tinto (La) 26,09% . 33,33% 27,78% 0,00% . 22,22% . . 25,00% 0,00% . 28,57% . 33,33% 30,00% 0,00% .
21037-Granado (El) 18,03% 19,05% 18,75% 0,00% 33,33% 0,00% 18,52% 25,00% 18,75% 0,00% 0,00% . 17,65% 15,38% 18,75% 0,00% 50,00% 0,00%
21038-Higuera de la Sierra 28,15% 36,36% 38,89% 23,38% 28,57% 0,00% 33,33% 33,33% 38,46% 31,43% 50,00% 0,00% 24,36% 37,50% 39,13% 16,67% 0,00% 0,00%
21039-Hinojales 26,47% 25,00% 27,59% 0,00% . . 33,33% . 36,36% 0,00% . . 22,73% 25,00% 22,22% . . .
21040-Hinojos 40,24% 44,44% 44,64% 33,33% 53,19% 0,00% 40,54% 37,50% 50,00% 36,07% 47,62% 0,00% 40,00% 50,00% 41,67% 30,65% 57,69% 0,00%
21041-Huelva 34,73% 46,31% 38,12% 31,52% 27,80% 29,90% 31,76% 42,15% 34,51% 29,86% 27,95% 35,09% 36,26% 47,07% 39,64% 32,39% 27,66% 22,50%
21042-Isla Cristina 36,33% 38,12% 36,34% 35,71% 33,33% 36,36% 35,74% 37,21% 37,80% 32,22% 35,00% 40,00% 36,65% 38,41% 35,56% 37,65% 29,41% 33,33%
21043-Jabugo 29,00% 37,93% 24,76% 29,41% 40,00% . 31,17% 20,00% 28,57% 34,78% 42,86% . 27,64% 41,67% 22,22% 25,00% 37,50% .
21044-Lepe 43,50% 46,58% 44,99% 36,97% 26,67% 30,00% 39,72% 38,46% 43,55% 35,29% 33,33% 33,33% 45,61% 50,25% 45,78% 38,24% 20,00% 25,00%
21045-Linares de la Sierra 15,00% 0,00% 10,00% 20,00% 0,00% . 13,33% 0,00% 0,00% 22,22% 0,00% . 16,00% . 14,29% 18,75% 0,00% .
21046-Lucena del Puerto 37,17% 38,46% 37,50% 22,22% 100,00% . 36,36% 35,71% 36,00% 25,00% 100,00% . 37,68% 40,00% 38,46% 20,00% . .
21047-Manzanilla 26,92% 35,00% 26,37% 15,38% 0,00% 0,00% 25,76% 34,78% 22,58% 22,22% 0,00% . 27,59% 35,14% 28,33% 11,76% 0,00% 0,00%
21048-Marines (Los) 30,30% 50,00% 33,33% 30,77% 0,00% . 25,00% . 33,33% 28,57% 0,00% . 33,33% 50,00% . 31,58% . .
21049-Minas de Riotinto 25,23% 40,74% 30,21% 25,49% 19,51% . 21,13% 33,33% 32,14% 19,23% 16,95% . 27,18% 41,67% 29,41% 28,71% 20,95% .
21050-Moguer 38,62% 42,24% 36,86% 42,31% 27,66% 16,67% 38,22% 46,67% 34,88% 43,14% 26,09% 0,00% 38,87% 39,60% 38,00% 41,77% 29,17% 100,00%
21051-Nava (La) 28,00% 0,00% 32,26% 21,43% 25,00% . 33,33% . 35,71% 25,00% 50,00% . 23,08% 0,00% 29,41% 16,67% 0,00% .
21052-Nerva 31,34% 40,74% 35,59% 25,81% 19,40% 25,00% 29,70% 22,22% 36,36% 28,26% 16,13% 50,00% 32,19% 44,44% 35,22% 24,36% 22,22% 0,00%
21053-Niebla 37,44% 42,86% 37,50% 34,51% 40,00% 0,00% 30,56% 40,00% 20,00% 30,43% 33,33% . 40,82% 43,40% 45,45% 37,31% 50,00% 0,00%
21054-Palma del Condado (La) 42,16% 38,46% 50,79% 39,94% 39,22% 60,00% 38,71% 15,38% 47,37% 36,64% 45,16% 50,00% 44,15% 43,08% 52,27% 42,08% 30,00% 100,00%
21055-Palos de la Frontera 38,78% 41,77% 34,65% 43,90% 58,33% 0,00% 35,40% 34,78% 34,92% 38,89% 42,86% 0,00% 41,33% 44,64% 34,38% 47,83% 80,00% 0,00%
21056-Paterna del Campo 28,75% 26,19% 28,49% 30,73% 0,00% 0,00% 26,97% 8,33% 26,51% 32,89% 0,00% 0,00% 30,13% 33,33% 30,21% 29,13% . .
21057-Paymogo 30,61% 31,25% 33,33% 25,00% 60,00% . 35,29% 35,71% 35,29% 23,53% 100,00% . 28,13% 29,41% 32,00% 25,71% 0,00% .
21058-Puebla de Guzmán 31,85% 32,95% 28,46% 45,45% 25,00% 50,00% 35,29% 42,31% 25,86% 58,33% 33,33% 66,67% 29,45% 29,03% 30,56% 30,00% 0,00% 0,00%
21059-Puerto Moral 47,37% . 47,37% . . . 60,00% . 60,00% . . . 42,86% . 42,86% . . .
21060-Punta Umbría 40,29% 48,18% 35,83% 35,71% 46,51% 42,86% 33,54% 20,83% 37,84% 25,81% 42,31% 33,33% 44,40% 55,81% 34,51% 43,59% 52,94% 50,00%
21061-Rociana del Condado 34,27% 38,99% 32,16% 32,53% 20,00% 0,00% 32,31% 43,33% 29,63% 26,19% 18,18% 0,00% 35,90% 36,36% 34,44% 39,02% 25,00% .
21062-Rosal de la Frontera 21,13% 27,14% 17,11% 20,93% 0,00% 0,00% 21,05% 29,17% 14,71% 23,53% 0,00% . 21,19% 26,09% 19,05% 19,23% 0,00% 0,00%
21063-San Bartolomé de la Torre 32,22% 36,00% 30,84% 18,75% 66,67% 0,00% 27,40% 23,08% 28,00% 16,67% 50,00% . 35,51% 40,54% 33,33% 20,00% 100,00% 0,00%
21064-San Juan del Puerto 32,10% 32,00% 32,58% 33,33% 29,63% 0,00% 27,78% 0,00% 31,82% 36,36% 22,22% 0,00% 34,97% 42,11% 32,95% 29,63% 44,44% 0,00%
21066-San Silvestre de Guzmán 27,06% 28,00% 28,26% 25,00% 0,00% 0,00% 30,00% 27,27% 33,33% 33,33% 0,00% . 25,45% 28,57% 25,81% 22,22% . 0,00%
21065-Sanlúcar de Guadiana 16,13% 0,00% 20,00% 8,33% 0,00% . 23,08% . 27,78% 14,29% 0,00% . 11,11% 0,00% 14,81% 0,00% . .
21067-Santa Ana la Real 31,67% 16,67% 34,88% 50,00% 33,33% . 31,82% 0,00% 31,25% 100,00% 33,33% . 31,58% 20,00% 37,04% 0,00% . .
21068-Santa Bárbara de Casa 23,19% 20,00% 26,39% 25,00% 0,00% . 20,41% 26,32% 14,81% 33,33% . . 24,72% 17,07% 33,33% 0,00% 0,00% .
21069-Santa Olalla del Cala 20,41% 16,67% 22,73% 23,26% 0,00% . 17,39% 22,22% 22,86% 9,52% 0,00% . 22,05% 15,69% 22,64% 36,36% 0,00% .
21070-Trigueros 32,49% 34,68% 37,16% 22,22% 36,36% 0,00% 31,11% 29,03% 37,93% 22,45% 33,33% 0,00% 33,33% 36,56% 36,64% 22,06% 50,00% .
21071-Valdelarco 14,29% 33,33% 16,13% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 9,09% 0,00% 14,29% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 20,00% 100,00% 17,65% 0,00% 0,00% .
21072-Valverde del Camino 30,92% 40,88% 33,75% 24,55% 32,29% 21,43% 28,80% 34,48% 31,11% 23,13% 36,54% 25,00% 32,13% 42,59% 35,09% 25,41% 27,27% 0,00%
21073-Villablanca 35,14% 33,33% 42,55% 29,27% 50,00% 0,00% 38,24% 36,36% 41,94% 35,71% . 0,00% 32,50% 31,43% 43,75% 25,93% 50,00% .
21074-Villalba del Alcor 39,46% 50,00% 35,61% 20,00% 0,00% 0,00% 44,44% 68,42% 40,74% 25,00% 0,00% 0,00% 36,62% 44,26% 32,05% 0,00% . 0,00%
21075-Villanueva de las Cruces 16,67% 8,70% 25,93% 0,00% . . 20,83% 11,11% 28,57% 0,00% . . 13,33% 7,14% 23,08% 0,00% . .
21076-Villanueva de los Castillejos 26,43% 18,92% 28,23% 39,13% 40,00% 0,00% 28,00% 18,75% 27,66% 33,33% 66,67% . 25,66% 18,97% 28,57% 42,86% 0,00% 0,00%
21077-Villarrasa 39,59% 39,02% 40,37% 40,00% 0,00% . 43,84% 25,00% 47,73% 50,00% 0,00% . 37,10% 44,83% 35,38% 34,48% 0,00% .
21078-Zalamea la Real 26,61% 35,00% 29,73% 20,45% 33,33% 14,29% 24,22% 15,38% 24,44% 23,73% 33,33% 50,00% 28,04% 44,44% 32,04% 17,81% 33,33% 0,00%
21079-Zufre 16,98% 100,00% 16,13% 16,13% 16,67% . 12,77% . 0,00% 17,86% 16,67% . 20,34% 100,00% 27,78% 14,71% 16,67% .