Households according to educational level of the reference person by sex and age of the reference person.

  TOTAL Illiterates or Uneducated Primary education Secondary education Higher education
TOTAL TOTAL 281557 77686 62233 100092 41546
Under 25 8517 475 1510 5874 658
From 25 to 29 years 16509 629 2290 10310 3280
From 30 to 34 years 26053 1022 3961 15490 5580
From 35 to 44 years 61320 3801 11860 31882 13777
From 45 to 54 years 47687 7126 12187 18531 9843
From 55 to 64 years 42155 15549 12294 9761 4551
From 65 to 74 years 44680 25835 11027 5303 2515
From 75 or more 34636 23249 7104 2941 1342
Male TOTAL 179399 43855 43024 68294 24226
Under 25 4727 303 1034 3168 222
From 25 to 29 years 9969 442 1706 6485 1336
From 30 to 34 years 17075 702 3086 10525 2762
From 35 to 44 years 42358 2760 9253 22607 7738
From 45 to 54 years 33829 5004 9096 13402 6327
From 55 to 64 years 28074 9393 8485 6982 3214
From 65 to 74 years 27181 15102 6865 3473 1741
From 75 or more 16186 10149 3499 1652 886
Female TOTAL 102158 33831 19209 31798 17320
Under 25 3790 172 476 2706 436
From 25 to 29 years 6540 187 584 3825 1944
From 30 to 34 years 8978 320 875 4965 2818
From 35 to 44 years 18962 1041 2607 9275 6039
From 45 to 54 years 13858 2122 3091 5129 3516
From 55 to 64 years 14081 6156 3809 2779 1337
From 65 to 74 years 17499 10733 4162 1830 774
From 75 or more 18450 13100 3605 1289 456

The Relationship with the reference person is not a direct question in the questionnaire but goes through
a very complex calculation process (prior selection of a standardised reference person that is always the
same in two similar households, in particular), therefore, in a small percentage of cases (irrelevant from
a statistical point of view), it may have been allocated incorrectly.