Summary of migrations on a provincial level


  In 1991 Last 5 years Last 2 years
They lived in another province They lived in this province and now live in another one They lived abroad They have arrived from another province They have gone to another province They have arrived from abroad They have arrived from another province They have gone to another province They have arrived from abroad
TOTAL 30696 36531 9457 20637 24523 8021 9018 9590 4565
18001-Agrón 10 14 1 6 7 1 2 1 1
18002-Alamedilla 35 64 2 34 30 . 17 11 .
18003-Albolote 837 128 144 510 127 100 213 59 59
18004-Albondón 30 102 5 29 48 5 20 16 3
18005-Albuñán 39 22 5 14 14 5 11 6 1
18006-Albuñol 168 289 237 106 185 209 42 84 115
18007-Albuñuelas 8 24 2 2 9 6 1 4 .
18010-Aldeire 34 31 23 18 19 8 5 5 6
18011-Alfacar 82 48 18 58 40 18 25 21 7
18012-Algarinejo 114 223 1 61 146 4 26 58 2
18013-Alhama de Granada 144 127 116 113 98 91 47 38 57
18014-Alhendín 177 77 30 95 25 32 22 13 18
18015-Alicún de Ortega 12 38 . 8 23 . 4 7 .
18016-Almegíjar 19 11 2 13 9 . 6 2 .
18017-Almuñécar 669 553 671 548 420 516 281 182 234
18904-Alpujarra de la Sierra 27 74 44 32 45 29 17 19 23
18018-Alquife 29 55 1 32 44 . 20 13 .
18020-Arenas del Rey 53 53 11 44 39 7 28 11 3
18021-Armilla 722 185 107 540 123 96 232 62 70
18022-Atarfe 361 173 55 222 104 50 128 54 26
18023-Baza 828 882 416 586 604 452 266 234 322
18024-Beas de Granada 15 11 5 6 3 5 3 3 3
18025-Beas de Guadix 29 15 . 14 12 . 4 3 .
18027-Benalúa 112 102 5 93 72 9 51 23 9
18028-Benalúa de las Villas 38 25 2 29 12 2 8 6 .
18029-Benamaurel 151 83 16 115 55 7 33 16 5
18030-Bérchules 25 73 9 25 41 5 13 18 1
18032-Bubión 32 24 15 23 12 10 8 5 5
18033-Busquístar 13 15 9 14 8 10 12 2 7
18034-Cacín 12 24 1 7 15 5 . 8 2
18035-Cádiar 86 101 15 47 63 15 24 20 13
18036-Cájar 236 35 28 152 28 30 77 11 25
18114-Calahorra (La) 21 52 8 18 34 6 6 10 5
18037-Calicasas 3 11 5 3 6 5 3 4 5
18038-Campotéjar 65 58 . 43 36 1 11 13 .
18039-Caniles 62 260 20 52 137 26 20 53 11
18042-Capileira 17 12 6 13 4 2 5 . .
18043-Carataunas 20 5 8 12 2 5 7 1 1
18044-Cástaras 15 25 10 7 11 5 3 1 5
18045-Castilléjar 55 76 13 45 66 7 25 15 3
18046-Castril 40 138 2 42 77 2 26 36 1
18040-Cáñar 21 46 15 12 17 7 4 9 4
18047-Cenes de la Vega 393 49 63 268 69 45 106 34 25
18059-Chauchina 122 48 42 83 38 54 33 16 18
18061-Chimeneas 16 19 6 7 9 6 6 1 6
18062-Churriana de la Vega 263 60 47 149 36 25 66 10 9
18048-Cijuela 78 28 15 44 17 10 19 4 3
18049-Cogollos de Guadix 47 33 9 30 21 4 21 8 3
18050-Cogollos de la Vega 16 21 1 14 13 . 2 4 .
18051-Colomera 39 40 2 25 22 4 14 5 4
18053-Cortes de Baza 135 89 5 112 52 5 46 21 3
18054-Cortes y Graena 58 15 6 60 12 4 36 1 2
18912-Cuevas del Campo 57 88 19 33 57 16 17 30 5
18056-Cúllar 81 196 44 59 116 32 24 36 15
18057-Cúllar Vega 281 10 37 184 10 24 89 5 12
18063-Darro 13 44 4 13 30 5 5 4 3
18064-Dehesas de Guadix 13 44 1 7 28 1 2 10 .
18066-Deifontes 39 36 22 39 35 13 23 9 2
18067-Diezma 27 24 . 22 25 . 15 10 .
18068-Dílar 95 29 29 41 14 17 21 9 7
18069-Dólar 27 32 4 18 11 5 11 4 3
18070-Dúdar 10 1 2 9 . . 8 . .
18071-Dúrcal 197 136 85 135 81 53 74 37 27
18072-Escúzar 11 18 10 6 8 10 3 1 7
18074-Ferreira 9 20 . 5 12 1 1 8 1
18076-Fonelas 29 67 . 38 36 5 25 6 .
18078-Freila 27 74 2 28 34 4 22 14 2
18079-Fuente Vaqueros 92 62 28 73 56 18 29 24 2
18905-Gabias (Las) 419 62 100 291 41 48 163 21 26
18082-Galera 21 58 3 22 31 2 9 20 1
18083-Gobernador 7 3 10 6 5 6 1 4 .
18084-Gójar 118 28 25 67 25 14 27 12 7
18085-Gor 47 72 2 33 44 4 9 15 3
18086-Gorafe 36 50 7 30 35 7 14 10 5
18087-Granada 10981 20573 3171 7106 14015 2779 2866 5333 1570
18088-Guadahortuna 83 103 38 75 73 29 38 27 11
18089-Guadix 608 1000 89 462 636 94 235 247 53
18906-Guajares (Los) 34 40 8 23 32 10 9 4 5
18093-Gualchos 51 56 153 31 33 154 12 22 123
18094-Güejar Sierra 62 29 19 49 24 23 22 10 14
18095-Güevéjar 32 17 13 22 11 6 12 4 3
18096-Huélago 7 63 . 5 46 . 4 9 .
18097-Huéneja 62 70 5 45 37 3 16 14 2
18098-Huéscar 229 315 14 142 209 10 40 70 5
18099-Huétor de Santillán 57 20 5 34 13 8 21 7 3
18100-Huétor Tájar 197 122 127 117 110 127 62 52 104
18101-Huétor Vega 387 46 87 247 36 61 129 13 37
18102-Illora 209 242 55 136 155 47 51 56 33
18103-Itrabo 19 18 9 14 14 6 9 3 5
18105-Iznalloz 174 169 61 106 98 40 46 31 27
18107-Jayena 24 39 4 22 20 2 18 3 2
18108-Jerez del Marquesado 86 46 3 44 38 . 18 22 .
18109-Jete 11 4 8 12 6 3 4 5 3
18111-Jun 57 11 7 45 12 7 22 7 .
18112-Juviles 16 9 1 11 9 . 6 3 .
18115-Láchar 93 43 4 64 23 5 20 12 4
18116-Lanjarón 97 101 29 42 85 19 20 38 5
18117-Lanteira 23 19 1 16 22 1 5 4 1
18119-Lecrín 24 28 29 25 12 17 10 6 7
18120-Lentegí 1 13 1 2 5 . 2 . .
18121-Lobras 8 12 1 3 3 3 3 2 .
18122-Loja 507 1493 50 345 869 71 159 455 41
18123-Lugros 13 28 4 9 19 3 7 7 3
18124-Lújar 4 13 17 . 8 17 . 1 15
18126-Malahá (La) 24 23 4 14 13 2 10 5 2
18127-Maracena 640 191 124 485 150 101 223 71 72
18128-Marchal 12 22 3 9 9 6 4 6 3
18132-Moclín 102 94 20 54 66 21 29 25 11
18133-Molvízar 102 42 35 56 16 26 18 6 21
18134-Monachil 181 61 38 97 57 34 45 24 17
18135-Montefrío 99 325 9 65 188 13 23 69 2
18136-Montejícar 79 90 12 82 54 3 43 21 .
18137-Montillana 44 64 1 31 49 4 15 20 .
18138-Moraleda de Zafayona 137 44 19 94 25 21 42 9 8
18909-Morelábor 33 18 . 25 9 2 10 2 1
18140-Motril 1457 1466 807 1081 962 744 457 405 459
18141-Murtas 41 139 4 20 52 4 5 23 1
18903-Nevada 87 102 18 62 127 10 28 51 8
18143-Nigüelas 53 19 17 38 7 12 13 5 6
18144-Nívar 21 5 4 10 5 3 8 1 .
18145-Ogíjares 556 76 77 317 57 60 122 29 25
18146-Orce 50 51 11 26 40 9 12 7 8
18147-Órgiva 228 235 103 129 133 103 77 44 49
18148-Otívar 52 41 28 37 21 19 30 9 18
18149-Otura 287 56 88 176 42 50 60 29 21
18150-Padul 247 70 117 183 44 71 82 15 37
18151-Pampaneira 7 17 3 1 23 1 . 12 .
18152-Pedro Martínez 20 85 7 20 51 5 14 22 4
18153-Peligros 317 110 63 173 60 43 82 28 12
18154-Peza (La) 36 48 21 43 28 14 30 7 10
18910-Pinar (El) 47 23 . 13 9 2 5 5 2
18157-Pinos Genil 28 10 21 18 7 23 11 1 10
18158-Pinos Puente 209 223 57 161 158 54 79 50 31
18159-Píñar 35 35 24 24 42 13 2 15 4
18161-Polícar 27 9 3 13 5 2 9 1 1
18162-Polopos 55 59 115 40 35 106 17 7 72
18163-Pórtugos 6 6 5 4 5 4 2 1 3
18164-Puebla de Don Fadrique 62 147 18 55 103 18 30 44 8
18165-Pulianas 151 25 17 104 27 18 40 6 10
18167-Purullena 70 115 23 31 78 15 20 31 6
18168-Quéntar 5 7 1 10 6 1 8 1 1
18170-Rubite 43 14 19 37 11 10 15 3 7
18171-Salar 64 55 2 47 29 2 20 16 .
18173-Salobreña 410 244 162 290 200 122 126 73 52
18174-Santa Cruz del Comercio 6 12 2 7 3 2 3 1 .
18175-Santa Fe 378 195 107 257 145 105 66 57 54
18176-Soportújar 21 3 4 9 3 5 1 . .
18177-Sorvilán 32 32 39 20 28 32 16 5 24
18901-Taha (La) 35 25 28 19 17 16 3 7 8
18178-Torre-Cardela 36 50 63 25 23 15 16 6 2
18179-Torvizcón 2 59 1 2 23 2 1 6 .
18180-Trevélez 5 33 . 8 15 . 2 4 .
18181-Turón 45 82 1 29 45 1 5 14 .
18182-Ugíjar 126 176 31 78 112 22 37 43 19
18902-Valle (El) 16 13 41 15 14 38 8 6 13
18907-Valle del Zalabí 84 62 21 42 35 24 24 19 6
18183-Válor 21 49 7 12 27 4 6 11 2
18911-Vegas del Genil 125 24 23 95 28 14 49 13 7
18184-Vélez de Benaudalla 90 64 38 71 45 24 38 21 19
18185-Ventas de Huelma 22 20 7 15 16 7 11 5 .
18908-Villamena 23 15 12 12 8 7 4 1 .
18187-Villanueva de las Torres 30 65 . 16 47 1 7 13 1
18188-Villanueva Mesía 77 23 3 52 20 6 16 10 3
18189-Víznar 18 16 3 20 15 3 9 . 2
18192-Zafarraya 82 64 61 73 48 30 39 25 19
18913-Zagra 12 28 2 5 19 3 4 6 1
18193-Zubia (La) 696 131 111 444 104 93 175 50 44
18194-Zújar 145 162 26 88 114 16 49 51 10

In the categories of last 5 (or 2) years, it has to be borne in mind that this involves the last migration
to the current municipality. Therefore, everybody who arrived in the province during this period are not
counted. But to get an idea of which prov
But to get an idea of which provinces are net receivers and which are net senders, in different time periods,
this serves perfectly.