Buildings destined mainly for dwellings, according to the number of dwellings by their state. 18-Granada

  TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 39 40 or more
      239453 205135 16927 3598 2003 5303 3713 2107 667
    100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00%
In ruin     3168 2842 164 33 22 56 33 17 1
    1,32% 1,39% 0,97% 0,92% 1,10% 1,06% 0,89% 0,81% 0,15%
Bad     6429 5679 363 91 50 114 78 49 5
    2,68% 2,77% 2,14% 2,53% 2,50% 2,15% 2,10% 2,33% 0,75%
Deficient     23833 20848 1584 333 196 525 236 86 25
    9,95% 10,16% 9,36% 9,26% 9,79% 9,90% 6,36% 4,08% 3,75%
Good     206023 175766 14816 3141 1735 4608 3366 1955 636
    86,04% 85,68% 87,53% 87,30% 86,62% 86,89% 90,65% 92,79% 95,35%