Population in immigrant family dwellings during the last 5 years, according to place of origin by nationality
(Spanish or not), gender and age. 17-Girona

  TOTAL Different municipality from the same province Different province from the same community Another community Lived abroad
TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 72734 31297 18454 7380 15603
Less than 16 12275 5436 2350 1224 3265
16-29 20065 8581 4190 2083 5211
30-39 18821 8579 4737 1907 3598
40-49 9682 4325 2762 921 1674
50-64 7008 2558 2568 642 1240
65 or more 4883 1818 1847 603 615
Male TOTAL 37068 15715 9331 3697 8325
Less than 16 6228 2739 1196 621 1672
16-29 9605 3945 1959 985 2716
30-39 10040 4474 2473 1039 2054
40-49 5259 2325 1512 493 929
50-64 3685 1411 1323 324 627
65 or more 2251 821 868 235 327
Female TOTAL 35666 15582 9123 3683 7278
Less than 16 6047 2697 1154 603 1593
16-29 10460 4636 2231 1098 2495
30-39 8781 4105 2264 868 1544
40-49 4423 2000 1250 428 745
50-64 3323 1147 1245 318 613
65 or more 2632 997 979 368 288
Spanish TOTAL TOTAL 53574 28641 17047 6242 1644
Less than 16 8841 4986 2200 1082 573
16-29 13640 7842 3773 1664 361
30-39 13782 7768 4290 1547 177
40-49 7335 3923 2527 777 108
50-64 5659 2377 2448 583 251
65 or more 4317 1745 1809 589 174
Male TOTAL 26558 14208 8512 3001 837
Less than 16 4466 2499 1127 546 294
16-29 6202 3569 1736 731 166
30-39 7066 3979 2200 791 96
40-49 3885 2068 1350 405 62
50-64 2986 1309 1253 297 127
65 or more 1953 784 846 231 92
Female TOTAL 27016 14433 8535 3241 807
Less than 16 4375 2487 1073 536 279
16-29 7438 4273 2037 933 195
30-39 6716 3789 2090 756 81
40-49 3450 1855 1177 372 46
50-64 2673 1068 1195 286 124
65 or more 2364 961 963 358 82
Foreign TOTAL TOTAL 19160 2656 1407 1138 13959
Less than 16 3434 450 150 142 2692
16-29 6425 739 417 419 4850
30-39 5039 811 447 360 3421
40-49 2347 402 235 144 1566
50-64 1349 181 120 59 989
65 or more 566 73 38 14 441
Male TOTAL 10510 1507 819 696 7488
Less than 16 1762 240 69 75 1378
16-29 3403 376 223 254 2550
30-39 2974 495 273 248 1958
40-49 1374 257 162 88 867
50-64 699 102 70 27 500
65 or more 298 37 22 4 235
Female TOTAL 8650 1149 588 442 6471
Less than 16 1672 210 81 67 1314
16-29 3022 363 194 165 2300
30-39 2065 316 174 112 1463
40-49 973 145 73 56 699
50-64 650 79 50 32 489
65 or more 268 36 16 10 206

"Immigrant population in the last 5 years" is understood to mean those who arrived in the current municipality
from 1997 and onwards.