Households according to type of municipality by structure of the household. 13-Ciudad Real |
TOTAL | Capital with less than 500.001 inhabitants | Suburbs | Rest, with more than 20.000 inhabitants | Rest, from 5.001 to 20.000 inhabitants | Rest, from 1.001 to 5.000 inhabitants | Rest, less than 1.001 inhabitants | |
TOTAL | 161840 | 20896 | 6692 | 43863 | 56321 | 27341 | 6727 |
A woman from 16 to 19 years old | 4971 | 1211 | 185 | 1455 | 1215 | 734 | 171 |
A man from 16 to 19 years old | 6334 | 1038 | 317 | 1626 | 1779 | 1229 | 345 |
A woman from 65 or over | 14661 | 1449 | 420 | 3723 | 5051 | 3121 | 897 |
A man from 65 or over | 4534 | 292 | 147 | 921 | 1589 | 1194 | 391 |
An adult woman with one or more minors | 1821 | 481 | 85 | 519 | 519 | 178 | 39 |
An adult man with one or more minors | 476 | 101 | 30 | 131 | 129 | 69 | 16 |
Two adults from 16 to 64, without minors | 14631 | 2029 | 676 | 4331 | 5060 | 2050 | 485 |
Two adults, one at least 65 years or over, without minors | 25140 | 2241 | 834 | 6214 | 8931 | 5449 | 1471 |
Two adults and a minor | 11300 | 1611 | 564 | 3418 | 3949 | 1481 | 277 |
Two adults and two minors | 16696 | 2318 | 855 | 4465 | 6184 | 2450 | 424 |
Two adults and three or more minors | 3627 | 463 | 176 | 841 | 1423 | 622 | 102 |
Two adults 35 years or over, one 16-34 years, without minors | 11417 | 1322 | 421 | 3261 | 4040 | 1917 | 456 |
Two adults 35 years or over, one 16-34 years and a minor | 6038 | 872 | 235 | 1754 | 2213 | 818 | 146 |
Two adults 35 years or over, one 16-34 years and two or more minors | 2235 | 290 | 101 | 550 | 870 | 371 | 53 |
Another household of three adults, with or without minors | 8849 | 1160 | 322 | 2368 | 2966 | 1569 | 464 |
Two adults 35 years or over, two 16-34 years, without minors | 10570 | 1609 | 424 | 3096 | 3680 | 1438 | 323 |
Two adults 35 years or over, two 16-34 years and a minor | 3192 | 440 | 141 | 831 | 1241 | 452 | 87 |
Two adults 35 years or over, two 16-34 years and two or more minors | 752 | 84 | 45 | 218 | 260 | 127 | 18 |
Another household with four adults, with or without minors | 4653 | 504 | 199 | 1321 | 1682 | 729 | 218 |
Five or more adults, with or without minors | 9943 | 1381 | 515 | 2820 | 3540 | 1343 | 344 |