Employed persons 16 years of age and over in family dwellings with specialised studies according to occupation
(large groups) by level and and type of studies completed. 08-Barcelona

  TOTAL 0 - Armed Forces 1 - Management of companies and public administrations 2 - Scientific and intellectual professionals and technicians 3 - Support technicians and professionals 4 - Administrative type employees 5 - Catering, personnel, protection and commercial vendors workers 6 - Employees qualified in agriculture and fishing 7 - Craftspersons and employees qualified for the manufacturing, construction and mining industries, except installation and machinery operators 8 - Installations and machinery operators 9 - Unqualified workers
TOTAL TOTAL 799254 748 86940 249468 150068 95342 71589 2698 70362 47524 24515
Law 37199 47 4706 20708 5256 4253 1040 56 319 381 433
Teaching, child education 56397 41 2649 33025 6104 4968 4702 65 1102 2077 1664
Social sciences 177994 170 28940 39590 38055 38106 14362 348 6004 7135 5284
Arts and humanities 63433 60 5486 27207 12270 7750 4769 101 2250 2036 1504
Information technology 31030 26 2415 8185 9399 3831 2429 57 1858 1705 1125
Engineering 55754 35 10179 28654 7390 1849 1719 141 2679 1650 1458
Technical training and Industries 171654 151 16173 7038 34988 15151 13417 784 49825 26503 7624
Sciences 34304 26 4531 16324 8096 2106 1192 84 599 740 606
Architecture or Construction 21845 14 2295 11940 2770 955 736 53 2087 507 488
Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing;Veterinary medicine 6267 4 712 2398 811 287 335 806 365 299 250
Health, social services 95317 36 3950 51217 12942 6144 15948 76 1081 1944 1979
Other services 48060 138 4904 3182 11987 9942 10940 127 2193 2547 2100
Secondary education TOTAL 341497 345 27268 14420 77810 51634 50684 1975 61095 39478 16788
Teaching, child education 12529 17 600 2765 1935 1958 2701 27 694 929 903
Social sciences 72551 82 6277 1982 20211 20305 9697 225 4523 5681 3568
Arts and humanities 11184 10 841 1075 3098 1431 1845 39 1280 955 610
Information technology 18863 19 1154 2181 6339 3235 1972 48 1614 1493 808
Engineering 5733 4 703 279 1268 584 740 34 1039 679 403
Technical training and Industries 158012 138 13820 3598 32000 14338 12613 750 47987 25588 7180
Architecture or Construction 3896 5 411 134 1104 318 317 18 1086 290 213
Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing;Veterinary medicine 2157 1 189 46 248 117 214 680 271 234 157
Health, social services 25467 9 801 1581 4987 3102 11570 41 707 1412 1257
Other services 31105 60 2472 779 6620 6246 9015 113 1894 2217 1689
Higher education TOTAL 457757 403 59672 235048 72258 43708 20905 723 9267 8046 7727
Law 37199 47 4706 20708 5256 4253 1040 56 319 381 433
Teaching, child education 43868 24 2049 30260 4169 3010 2001 38 408 1148 761
Social sciences 105443 88 22663 37608 17844 17801 4665 123 1481 1454 1716
Arts and humanities 52249 50 4645 26132 9172 6319 2924 62 970 1081 894
Information technology 12167 7 1261 6004 3060 596 457 9 244 212 317
Engineering 50021 31 9476 28375 6122 1265 979 107 1640 971 1055
Technical training and Industries 13642 13 2353 3440 2988 813 804 34 1838 915 444
Sciences 34304 26 4531 16324 8096 2106 1192 84 599 740 606
Architecture or Construction 17949 9 1884 11806 1666 637 419 35 1001 217 275
Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing;Veterinary medicine 4110 3 523 2352 563 170 121 126 94 65 93
Health, social services 69850 27 3149 49636 7955 3042 4378 35 374 532 722
Other services 16955 78 2432 2403 5367 3696 1925 14 299 330 411

Esta tabla incluye sólo aquellas personas con estudios especializados, por tanto el total de Segundo Grado
está referido únicamente a los que tienen un nivel de estudios igual a FP grado medio, FP grado superior