Households according to socio-economic condition of the reference person by sex and age of the reference

  TOTAL Unemployed Inactive Employed
TOTAL Not aplicable TOTAL Not aplicable TOTAL Entrepreneurs, directors and managers of non-agricultural establishments Professionals, technicians and the like that exercise their activity as freelance workers Professionals, technicians and the like that exercise their activity employed by others Entrepreneurs and qualified workers in agricultural establishments Foremen/forewomen and qualified operators in non-agricultural establishments Other administrative, trade and services personnel Non-qualified workers
TOTAL Not aplicable TOTAL Not aplicable TOTAL Non-agricultural business persons with employees Non-agricultural business persons without employees Directors and managers of non-agrarian establishments, senior public administration civil servants, autonomous communities and local corporations. TOTAL Professionals, technicians and the like that exercise their activity employed by others, with or without employees TOTAL Professionals, technicians and the like that exercise their activity employed by others Professionals in exclusive public administration occupations TOTAL Agrarian business persons with employees Agrarian business persons without employees Members of agrarian cooperatives Company directors and bosses from agricultural companies or operations TOTAL Non-agrarian establishment foremen. Qualified and specialised non-agrarian establishment operators. TOTAL Rest of the administrative and commercial personnel Rest of the service personnel Armed forces professionals TOTAL Non-specialised non-agrarian operators. Rest of agrarian use workers Members of non-agricultural cooperatives Not classificable by socio-economic condition
TOTAL 14187169 672178 672178 672178 5263904 5263904 5263904 8251087 1446912 541532 627316 278064 254656 254656 1420611 1387803 32808 235377 44885 184212 3544 2736 1962396 111059 1851337 2361500 1307597 1008013 45890 569635 237656 272614 35480 23885
    8878308 388014 388014 388014 2780965 2780965 2780965 5709329 1134185 444597 467033 222555 188834 188834 872409 852555 19854 190640 40002 145340 2910 2388 1765661 107513 1658148 1090893 616383 432429 42081 466707 210985 219180 25782 10760
Under 25 146996 17623 17623 17623 18861 18861 18861 110512 8600 2609 5262 729 792 792 7531 7516 15 1115 241 834 18 22 44584 749 43835 24875 10782 11604 2489 23015 12890 9350 245 530
From 25 to 29 years 422621 30474 30474 30474 12785 12785 12785 379362 46239 16181 22296 7762 7522 7522 57966 57557 409 5022 1335 3468 108 111 139923 4617 135306 77548 41392 31415 4741 45142 24982 18132 1224 804
From 30 to 34 years 787084 42979 42979 42979 13015 13015 13015 731090 115924 43113 46976 25835 21772 21772 131029 129488 1541 12442 3421 8483 235 303 240558 11505 229053 144088 82670 56043 5375 65277 34208 27293 2770 1006
From 35 to 44 years 1978435 101511 101511 101511 43590 43590 43590 1833334 362631 142028 139519 81084 66176 66176 304807 296634 8173 45468 11712 32076 796 884 546803 32114 514689 368116 209832 142914 15370 139333 63986 65179 8169 1999
From 45 to 54 years 1851801 95115 95115 95115 117758 117758 117758 1638928 355089 141907 141670 71512 55270 55270 249290 243219 6071 55463 11453 42624 740 646 507877 36332 471545 303040 181406 111429 10205 112899 46713 55501 8646 2039
From 55 to 64 years 1524416 96145 96145 96145 494434 494434 494434 933837 223629 89094 101694 32841 29917 29917 110125 107008 3117 64838 10713 52958 779 388 272744 21500 251244 159442 84000 71730 3712 73142 26087 40372 4473 2210
From 65 to 74 years 1340959 3587 3587 3587 1270393 1270393 1270393 66979 19343 8449 8320 2574 6315 6315 10449 9928 521 5229 973 4040 185 31 9516 573 8943 10293 4874 5268 151 5834 1433 2574 193 1634
From 75 or more 825996 580 580 580 810129 810129 810129 15287 2730 1216 1296 218 1070 1070 1212 1205 7 1063 154 857 49 3 3656 123 3533 3491 1427 2026 38 2065 686 779 62 538
Female TOTAL 5308861 284164 284164 284164 2482939 2482939 2482939 2541758 312727 96935 160283 55509 65822 65822 548202 535248 12954 44737 4883 38872 634 348 196735 3546 193189 1270607 691214 575584 3809 102928 26671 53434 9698 13125
Under 25 143775 20550 20550 20550 32504 32504 32504 90721 5690 1403 3616 671 648 648 9223 9201 22 358 80 252 13 13 11166 125 11041 56910 32497 23799 614 6726 1882 3870 259 715
From 25 to 29 years 356659 33257 33257 33257 31694 31694 31694 291708 23489 6555 11128 5806 6243 6243 62264 61698 566 1099 222 810 29 38 24387 433 23954 162141 109094 52300 747 12085 3682 6157 1022 1224
From 30 to 34 years 517008 42237 42237 42237 45155 45155 45155 429616 42571 12683 18168 11720 12842 12842 102985 101076 1909 2484 407 1940 53 84 29440 578 28862 223834 147121 76133 580 15460 4216 7845 1796 1603
From 35 to 44 years 1055577 79234 79234 79234 126738 126738 126738 849605 96302 30652 44039 21611 25951 25951 212369 206097 6272 8418 1177 6975 151 115 58081 956 57125 418613 232711 184856 1046 29871 7562 15104 3587 3618
From 45 to 54 years 785355 57083 57083 57083 182835 182835 182835 545437 76485 24261 41189 11035 13359 13359 116631 113593 3038 11359 1148 9992 163 56 42100 686 41414 265969 121313 144133 523 19534 4627 10201 2045 2661
From 55 to 64 years 672543 46511 46511 46511 344310 344310 344310 281722 56045 17139 34827 4079 5450 5450 41141 40083 1058 17979 1419 16356 172 32 21380 416 20964 126254 42425 83589 240 13473 2838 7656 819 2160
From 65 to 74 years 810742 4265 4265 4265 769933 769933 769933 36544 9430 3247 5720 463 1125 1125 3004 2924 80 1996 292 1659 37 8 5657 194 5463 11832 4200 7591 41 3500 992 1549 110 849
From 75 or more 967202 1027 1027 1027 949770 949770 949770 16405 2715 995 1596 124 204 204 585 576 9 1044 138 888 16 2 4524 158 4366 5054 1853 3183 18 2279 872 1052 60 295

The Relationship with the reference person is not a direct question in the questionnaire but goes through
a very complex calculation process (prior selection of a standardised reference person that is always the
same in two similar households, in particular), therefore, in a small percentage of cases (irrelevant from
a statistical point of view), it may have been allocated incorrectly.