Foreign employed persons 16 years of age and over in family dwellings according to professional situation
by country of nationality

  Business person or professional who employs personnel Business person or professional who does not employ personnel Fixed or indefinite employee Tempory employee Another situation (Family help) Another situation (Member of cooperatives) TOTAL
TOTAL 4,42% 7,47% 36,54% 50,83% 0,57% 0,16% 763324
      7,87% 10,91% 40,56% 39,99% 0,49% 0,18% 227251
Europe TOTAL
    11,29% 15,00% 46,70% 26,41% 0,41% 0,19% 134706
European Union TOTAL
Austria 11,85% 16,59% 48,53% 22,65% 0,31% 0,06% 1603
Belgium 11,97% 16,34% 45,77% 25,34% 0,49% 0,09% 5289
Denmark 13,34% 16,90% 49,30% 20,16% 0,23% 0,06% 1716
Finland 11,54% 14,64% 47,65% 25,46% 0,48% 0,24% 1257
France 9,42% 12,82% 52,71% 24,52% 0,32% 0,21% 20903
Germany 13,38% 17,38% 45,90% 22,71% 0,47% 0,16% 25883
Greece 12,84% 15,53% 44,72% 25,47% 0,62% 0,83% 483
Ireland 11,08% 14,81% 48,01% 25,48% 0,36% 0,26% 1931
Italy 12,25% 15,06% 44,92% 27,25% 0,32% 0,20% 18949
Luxembourg 15,73% 15,73% 47,19% 19,10% 2,25% . 89
Netherlands 13,73% 15,94% 48,71% 21,16% 0,29% 0,18% 6783
Portugal 6,45% 9,57% 45,79% 37,54% 0,47% 0,18% 18458
Sweden 12,21% 14,30% 47,66% 25,38% 0,34% 0,11% 2671
United Kingdom 12,28% 17,33% 44,03% 25,66% 0,49% 0,21% 28691
Others countries in Europe TOTAL 2,84% 4,76% 31,36% 60,27% 0,60% 0,16% 87656
Bosnia-Herzegovina 2,43% 6,24% 43,15% 47,66% 0,52% . 577
Bulgaria 2,19% 4,07% 30,63% 62,35% 0,60% 0,15% 14918
Czech Republic 2,25% 4,99% 37,83% 54,31% 0,50% 0,12% 801
Georgia 1,66% 6,11% 27,01% 64,84% 0,25% 0,13% 785
Lithuania 1,72% 2,45% 15,90% 79,16% 0,45% 0,33% 2447
Moldova 1,85% 4,73% 30,92% 61,91% 0,22% 0,37% 1352
Norway 10,12% 12,46% 45,64% 31,07% 0,55% 0,16% 1284
Poland 3,24% 6,52% 39,12% 50,28% 0,67% 0,16% 9128
Rumania 2,21% 3,73% 30,75% 62,59% 0,58% 0,14% 35636
Russia 4,39% 6,58% 33,38% 54,75% 0,69% 0,21% 4665
Switzerland 14,54% 15,57% 43,06% 25,88% 0,74% 0,21% 2434
Ukraine 2,03% 4,01% 26,66% 66,49% 0,66% 0,16% 13629
Rest of countries in Europe TOTAL 3,97% 8,43% 36,16% 50,73% 0,55% 0,16% 4889
Albania 4,32% 5,95% 42,16% 47,57% . . 185
Andorra 9,25% 13,52% 51,96% 24,20% 0,71% 0,36% 281
Armenia 1,89% 5,38% 30,08% 61,82% 0,76% 0,08% 1320
Bielorrusia 1,51% 5,72% 30,42% 62,35% . . 332
Croatia 5,57% 15,60% 37,60% 40,95% 0,28% . 359
Cyprus 4,76% 14,29% 52,38% 28,57% . . 21
Estonia 2,27% 4,55% 37,50% 54,55% 1,14% . 88
Hungary 5,23% 6,89% 41,09% 46,32% 0,24% 0,24% 421
Iceland 4,67% 11,21% 46,73% 36,45% . 0,93% 107
Latvia 5,02% 5,02% 25,11% 63,93% 0,46% 0,46% 219
Liechtenstein . 50,00% 37,50% 12,50% . . 8
Macedonia . 27,69% 29,23% 43,08% . . 65
Malta 17,65% 5,88% 29,41% 35,29% 5,88% 5,88% 17
Monaco . 16,67% 66,67% 16,67% . . 6
San marino . 100,00% . . . . 1
Santa sede . . 66,67% 33,33% . . 3
Slovakia 3,94% 5,20% 34,02% 56,22% 0,63% . 635
Slovenia 3,95% 14,47% 42,11% 39,47% . . 76
Yugoslavia 5,10% 11,95% 41,34% 40,54% 0,81% 0,27% 745
Africa TOTAL 2,29% 6,11% 27,71% 63,25% 0,46% 0,19% 166818
    2,22% 6,07% 27,41% 63,65% 0,46% 0,18% 156852
African countries with greater representation in Spain TOTAL
Algeria 2,17% 4,95% 27,42% 64,98% 0,27% 0,20% 11827
Angola 1,92% 5,77% 41,99% 49,84% 0,48% . 624
Bissau Guinea 1,37% 3,77% 19,95% 74,30% 0,34% 0,27% 1459
Cameroon 2,68% 6,99% 36,01% 53,27% 0,45% 0,60% 672
Equatorial Guinea 2,20% 4,65% 36,96% 55,46% 0,47% 0,25% 2773
Gambia 1,85% 5,19% 37,46% 55,16% 0,25% 0,08% 3566
Ghana 1,87% 5,46% 27,85% 64,37% 0,05% 0,39% 2032
Green Cape 2,23% 4,57% 44,97% 47,72% 0,41% 0,10% 985
Guinea 2,68% 4,76% 31,47% 60,54% 0,27% 0,27% 1827
Mali 1,37% 3,30% 23,05% 71,85% 0,30% 0,13% 2334
Mauritania 2,07% 4,82% 21,75% 71,12% 0,24% . 2074
Morocco 2,25% 5,59% 27,08% 64,41% 0,51% 0,16% 119517
Senegal 2,39% 19,28% 23,16% 54,27% 0,47% 0,42% 7162
Rest of countries in Africa TOTAL 3,34% 6,76% 32,34% 56,93% 0,35% 0,27% 9966
Benin 2,63% 7,89% 28,95% 60,53% . . 76
Botswana 25,00% . 25,00% 50,00% . . 4
Burkina Fasso 1,56% 5,47% 20,31% 72,66% . . 128
Burundi . . 33,33% 66,67% . . 9
Central African Republic 12,50% 6,25% 31,25% 50,00% . . 16
Chad . 12,00% 24,00% 64,00% . . 25
Comoro Islands . . . 100,00% . . 1
Congo 2,26% 4,72% 34,29% 58,52% 0,21% . 487
Djibouti . 50,00% . 50,00% . . 2
Egypt 6,28% 12,56% 37,21% 43,34% 0,15% 0,46% 653
Eritrea 12,50% . 37,50% 50,00% . . 8
Ethiopia 2,38% 3,97% 39,68% 53,17% . 0,79% 126
Gabon . 8,70% 47,83% 43,48% . . 23
Ivory Coast 1,72% 6,87% 33,68% 56,36% 1,03% 0,34% 291
Kenya 4,60% 2,30% 35,63% 56,32% . 1,15% 87
Lesotho 20,00% . 40,00% 40,00% . . 5
Liberia 2,90% 4,69% 28,79% 63,39% 0,22% . 448
Libya 6,67% 10,48% 50,48% 32,38% . . 105
Madagascar 6,25% 6,25% 43,75% 43,75% . . 16
Malawi 16,67% . 16,67% 66,67% . . 6
Mauritius 9,09% 18,18% 36,36% 36,36% . . 22
Mozambique 4,65% 3,49% 38,37% 53,49% . . 86
Namibia . . 60,00% 40,00% . . 5
Níger 13,33% 3,33% 20,00% 63,33% . . 30
Nigeria 3,07% 5,92% 30,21% 60,20% 0,35% 0,26% 5409
Rwanda 2,56% 6,41% 37,18% 53,85% . . 78
Santo Tome y Principe . 6,90% 44,83% 48,28% . . 29
Seychelles . . 80,00% 20,00% . . 5
Sierra leone 1,51% 6,03% 31,99% 59,46% 0,67% 0,34% 597
Somalia 3,23% 8,06% 24,19% 62,90% . 1,61% 62
South Africa 8,76% 17,53% 30,93% 42,78% . . 194
Sudan 5,88% 11,76% 36,47% 44,71% 1,18% . 85
Swaziland . . . 100,00% . . 1
Tanzania 1,92% 11,54% 32,69% 53,85% . . 52
Togo . 9,86% 32,39% 57,75% . . 71
Tunisia 4,22% 8,00% 44,22% 42,22% 0,44% 0,89% 450
Uganda . 20,00% 20,00% 60,00% . . 5
Zaire 2,87% 7,38% 34,84% 53,69% 1,23% . 244
Zambia . . 33,33% 66,67% . . 9
Zimbabwe . 6,25% 62,50% 31,25% . . 16
America TOTAL 2,61% 5,52% 37,73% 53,36% 0,64% 0,14% 329891
    2,89% 5,63% 43,01% 47,87% 0,47% 0,13% 29404
Central America TOTAL
Cuba 3,78% 7,46% 39,41% 48,72% 0,44% 0,18% 12445
Dominican Republic 2,24% 4,21% 45,84% 47,18% 0,43% 0,09% 15209
El Salvador 2,90% 6,10% 45,86% 43,98% 1,16% . 689
Honduras 1,89% 4,05% 42,88% 50,24% 0,85% 0,09% 1061
Rest of countries in Central America TOTAL 4,41% 7,75% 46,37% 40,40% 0,92% 0,14% 1406
Antigua and Barbados . 50,00% . 50,00% . . 2
Bahamas . . 100,00% . . . 1
Barbados 20,00% . 40,00% 20,00% 20,00% . 5
Belize . 22,22% 55,56% 22,22% . . 9
Costa Rica 4,40% 9,34% 44,51% 41,21% 0,55% . 182
Dominica 4,41% 5,29% 44,93% 44,05% 1,32% . 227
Granada 7,14% . 57,14% 35,71% . . 14
Guatemala 4,68% 8,27% 54,32% 31,65% 1,08% . 278
Haiti 2,27% 2,27% 45,45% 50,00% . . 44
Jamaica 8,33% 8,33% 41,67% 41,67% . . 12
Nicaragua 3,06% 5,29% 43,45% 46,80% 1,11% 0,28% 359
Panama 6,23% 11,28% 44,75% 36,96% 0,39% 0,39% 257
San Cristobal y Nieves . . 50,00% 50,00% . . 2
Trinidad and Tobago . 28,57% 35,71% 35,71% . . 14
North America TOTAL 8,11% 13,68% 49,08% 27,94% 0,73% 0,46% 9730
Canada 9,53% 16,22% 45,95% 27,45% 0,85% . 703
Mexico 6,92% 11,27% 46,22% 34,36% 0,81% 0,42% 3079
United States of America 8,56% 14,63% 50,92% 24,68% 0,67% 0,54% 5948
South America TOTAL 2,39% 5,22% 36,77% 54,84% 0,66% 0,13% 289326
Argentina 6,34% 11,98% 37,59% 43,25% 0,67% 0,17% 20773
Bolivia 1,89% 4,66% 35,89% 56,80% 0,61% 0,15% 6197
Brazil 4,00% 8,84% 40,56% 45,62% 0,77% 0,21% 7753
Chile 4,13% 9,25% 43,56% 42,38% 0,50% 0,18% 6203
Colombia 2,26% 4,99% 37,13% 54,73% 0,76% 0,13% 79266
Ecuador 1,41% 3,53% 33,81% 60,50% 0,64% 0,11% 134133
Paraguay 2,87% 6,90% 40,42% 48,08% 1,53% 0,19% 522
Peru 2,61% 5,39% 47,27% 44,21% 0,44% 0,08% 22743
Uruguay 4,56% 9,61% 40,45% 44,57% 0,55% 0,25% 4754
Venezuela 5,63% 9,44% 40,72% 43,47% 0,54% 0,20% 6982
Rest of countries in South America TOTAL 8,00% 28,00% 28,00% 36,00% . . 25
Guyana 4,55% 31,82% 27,27% 36,36% . . 22
Surinam 33,33% . 33,33% 33,33% . . 3
Asia TOTAL 8,73% 9,62% 40,88% 39,70% 0,87% 0,19% 38559
    8,72% 9,44% 40,84% 39,93% 0,88% 0,19% 35860
Asian countries with greater representation in Spain TOTAL
Bangladesh 5,19% 10,01% 34,86% 48,85% 1,09% . 829
China 12,71% 11,04% 36,93% 37,81% 1,32% 0,19% 14876
India 12,99% 11,13% 35,29% 39,24% 1,15% 0,19% 3117
Iran 12,24% 14,42% 40,27% 31,58% 1,37% 0,11% 874
Japan 10,13% 19,43% 51,40% 18,37% 0,60% 0,08% 1323
Pakistán 3,27% 6,99% 28,30% 60,79% 0,29% 0,36% 5866
Philippines 2,39% 3,53% 59,54% 34,07% 0,37% 0,09% 7613
Republic of Korea 15,18% 23,58% 38,62% 20,87% 1,22% 0,54% 738
Syria 9,78% 12,18% 40,22% 37,50% 0,32% . 624
Others countries in Asia TOTAL 8,93% 12,04% 41,46% 36,64% 0,74% 0,19% 2699
Afghanistan 12,20% 2,44% 36,59% 48,78% . . 41
Azerbaijan 1,96% 7,84% 23,53% 66,67% . . 51
Bahrain . . 33,33% 66,67% . . 3
Birmania 22,22% . 33,33% 38,89% 5,56% . 18
Brunei . . 100,00% . . . 1
Cambodia . . 50,00% 50,00% . . 2
Indonesia 9,09% 6,06% 44,44% 39,39% 1,01% . 99
Irak 6,85% 14,73% 36,64% 40,75% 0,68% 0,34% 292
Israel 12,30% 13,10% 41,27% 32,14% 1,19% . 252
Jordan 7,31% 13,16% 46,20% 32,75% 0,58% . 342
Kazajstan 7,14% 7,14% 45,24% 40,48% . . 42
Kirgyistan 16,67% 5,56% 5,56% 72,22% . . 18
Kuwait 8,82% 23,53% 32,35% 35,29% . . 34
Laos 4,35% 13,04% 43,48% 34,78% 4,35% . 23
Lebanon 11,04% 13,64% 43,51% 31,60% . 0,22% 462
Malaysia 9,68% 16,13% 32,26% 40,32% 1,61% . 62
Mongolia 7,69% . 30,77% 61,54% . . 13
Nepal 6,12% . 42,86% 51,02% . . 49
Oman . 60,00% . 20,00% 20,00% . 5
Palestine 14,06% 10,94% 40,63% 34,38% . . 64
Qatar . 28,57% 57,14% 14,29% . . 7
Saudi Arabia 5,71% 14,29% 31,43% 40,00% 8,57% . 35
Singapore 19,23% 13,46% 36,54% 30,77% . . 52
Sri Lanka 9,28% 8,25% 46,39% 34,02% 1,03% 1,03% 97
Tadyikistan . . 100,00% . . . 1
Thailand 4,38% 5,00% 43,75% 46,25% 0,63% . 160
Turkey 8,02% 13,58% 46,30% 31,48% 0,62% . 324
Turkmenistan . . 50,00% 50,00% . . 4
United Arab Emirates 11,11% . 33,33% 55,56% . . 9
Uzbekistan 4,17% . 33,33% 58,33% . 4,17% 24
Vietnam 9,43% 19,81% 37,74% 31,13% 0,94% 0,94% 106
Yemen . . 57,14% 42,86% . . 7
Oceania TOTAL 9,03% 14,94% 43,68% 31,20% 0,82% 0,33% 609
    9,03% 14,94% 43,68% 31,20% 0,82% 0,33% 609
Oceania TOTAL
Australia 10,38% 14,90% 44,47% 29,12% 0,68% 0,45% 443
Fiji . 33,33% 66,67% . . . 3
Micronesia . 10,53% 31,58% 55,26% 2,63% . 38
New zealand 8,00% 17,00% 47,00% 27,00% 1,00% . 100
Papua New Guinea 33,33% 33,33% 33,33% . . . 3
Solomon Islands . . . 100,00% . . 1
Tonga . . . 100,00% . . 1
Tuvalu . . 31,25% 68,75% . . 16
Vanuatu . 50,00% 50,00% . . . 4
Stateless TOTAL 4,08% 11,73% 33,67% 50,00% . 0,51% 196
    4,08% 11,73% 33,67% 50,00% . 0,51% 196
Stateless TOTAL
Stateless 4,08% 11,73% 33,67% 50,00% . 0,51% 196