Foreign population in family dwellings according to housing problems by country of nationality.

  Outside noises Contamination or bad odours Poor street cleaning Poor communicatons Few green areas Delinquency or vandalism in the area No WC in the dwelling TOTAL
TOTAL 27,11% 15,89% 26,34% 13,84% 34,73% 19,71% 2,15% 1548941
      27,13% 15,57% 26,63% 16,17% 31,45% 19,48% 1,30% 526901
Europe TOTAL
    28,02% 15,91% 28,01% 18,11% 30,68% 20,77% 1,15% 357979
European Union TOTAL
Austria 30,55% 16,02% 28,32% 20,16% 30,71% 22,40% 1,04% 3764
Belgium 27,31% 14,76% 27,23% 19,36% 29,18% 22,46% 0,87% 15956
Denmark 29,19% 14,23% 24,46% 18,05% 28,07% 19,49% 0,65% 5368
Finland 27,85% 13,67% 27,69% 16,25% 30,27% 24,44% 1,10% 4800
France 33,19% 18,59% 30,04% 16,39% 33,20% 21,17% 1,00% 46590
Germany 25,99% 15,11% 27,41% 20,21% 28,82% 20,53% 1,07% 77732
Greece 35,27% 20,65% 33,01% 15,59% 35,59% 24,95% 1,83% 930
Ireland 32,75% 16,74% 28,52% 17,59% 33,58% 25,01% 0,82% 4134
Italy 35,41% 19,94% 32,54% 16,31% 35,54% 23,09% 1,02% 36518
Luxembourg 24,27% 14,24% 27,51% 18,45% 28,80% 24,92% 0,32% 309
Netherlands 27,52% 15,73% 26,64% 17,74% 27,58% 19,87% 0,85% 18642
Portugal 24,95% 17,00% 30,53% 16,84% 34,96% 18,77% 2,60% 40101
Sweden 30,60% 16,97% 27,71% 20,10% 33,64% 27,90% 1,17% 8601
United Kingdom 25,13% 13,48% 25,26% 18,19% 27,88% 19,55% 0,87% 94534
Others countries in Europe TOTAL 24,93% 14,58% 23,39% 11,99% 32,84% 16,53% 1,62% 158028
Bosnia-Herzegovina 30,49% 19,47% 27,07% 11,79% 36,43% 17,19% 2,43% 1315
Bulgaria 22,72% 14,03% 21,18% 10,76% 30,89% 14,91% 1,83% 25588
Czech Republic 30,32% 15,61% 28,90% 16,19% 37,42% 21,23% 1,42% 1550
Georgia 21,49% 11,64% 22,45% 9,24% 35,66% 16,91% 2,87% 1461
Lithuania 19,36% 12,43% 23,52% 14,66% 37,85% 12,58% 1,94% 4230
Moldova 27,46% 14,43% 24,38% 12,71% 34,14% 17,43% 1,63% 2203
Norway 25,64% 13,89% 24,48% 18,86% 31,17% 25,29% 1,18% 5768
Poland 27,88% 17,97% 27,80% 12,99% 33,30% 19,77% 1,13% 16236
Rumania 24,38% 13,17% 21,19% 9,97% 34,31% 13,98% 1,64% 56873
Russia 30,58% 17,49% 26,20% 14,21% 34,98% 21,79% 1,71% 10555
Switzerland 22,83% 13,91% 27,44% 18,87% 23,99% 20,67% 0,70% 10742
Ukraine 25,19% 15,78% 24,10% 10,97% 32,89% 16,07% 2,06% 21507
Rest of countries in Europe TOTAL 29,79% 18,88% 28,22% 12,98% 36,32% 19,86% 1,46% 10894
Albania 35,83% 25,06% 28,81% 13,82% 38,17% 21,31% 2,11% 427
Andorra 28,94% 17,50% 28,53% 14,27% 32,30% 15,21% 0,94% 743
Armenia 25,82% 16,49% 27,19% 9,23% 35,27% 19,86% 1,83% 3056
Bielorrusia 28,53% 17,87% 22,40% 14,00% 37,87% 18,00% 0,53% 750
Croatia 36,01% 22,85% 32,55% 13,57% 34,49% 24,10% 0,69% 722
Cyprus 20,75% 13,21% 35,85% 16,98% 33,96% 18,87% 0,00% 53
Estonia 25,13% 10,47% 21,99% 8,38% 27,75% 18,85% 2,62% 191
Hungary 32,77% 20,44% 31,40% 15,28% 36,46% 25,61% 1,48% 949
Iceland 29,90% 25,09% 32,65% 17,18% 36,43% 25,43% 1,03% 291
Latvia 18,95% 17,35% 28,08% 15,30% 36,07% 17,35% 2,05% 438
Liechtenstein 16,00% 12,00% 16,00% 12,00% 16,00% 28,00% 0,00% 25
Macedonia 30,98% 17,39% 32,61% 19,57% 38,59% 11,41% 4,35% 184
Malta 28,57% 23,81% 42,86% 11,90% 35,71% 14,29% 0,00% 42
Monaco 8,00% 40,00% 40,00% 8,00% 36,00% 32,00% 0,00% 25
San marino 50,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 50,00% 0,00% 2
Santa sede 22,22% 0,00% 0,00% 22,22% 11,11% 33,33% 0,00% 9
Slovakia 32,12% 15,20% 25,22% 12,44% 39,81% 15,37% 1,12% 1158
Slovenia 30,61% 20,41% 25,85% 15,65% 34,69% 12,93% 0,00% 147
Yugoslavia 34,42% 22,95% 30,08% 15,58% 38,64% 21,52% 1,55% 1682
Africa TOTAL 24,59% 16,32% 25,80% 13,68% 36,91% 18,50% 4,64% 329695
    24,40% 16,25% 25,71% 13,69% 37,01% 18,30% 4,77% 313004
African countries with greater representation in Spain TOTAL
Algeria 28,22% 16,99% 22,88% 11,56% 37,27% 17,62% 3,26% 20915
Angola 26,60% 17,46% 25,91% 16,98% 37,53% 20,27% 1,65% 1455
Bissau Guinea 17,75% 15,95% 24,60% 19,31% 42,94% 20,78% 2,11% 2175
Cameroon 32,69% 16,12% 23,18% 13,52% 32,17% 23,11% 2,15% 1346
Equatorial Guinea 32,96% 18,05% 26,68% 15,69% 35,27% 24,96% 1,96% 7452
Gambia 19,22% 11,07% 17,49% 9,69% 29,04% 11,37% 2,24% 8410
Ghana 22,92% 16,80% 24,28% 13,07% 34,90% 16,04% 2,35% 3023
Green Cape 25,89% 14,86% 25,57% 13,57% 32,95% 19,38% 0,74% 2167
Guinea 27,06% 14,09% 27,39% 13,49% 35,43% 19,76% 1,98% 3633
Mali 20,27% 14,65% 25,27% 18,09% 36,11% 17,12% 5,59% 3201
Mauritania 23,35% 17,05% 21,70% 15,34% 38,13% 16,99% 3,61% 3520
Morocco 24,04% 16,41% 26,31% 13,81% 37,42% 18,28% 5,31% 244630
Senegal 24,24% 15,07% 25,01% 13,65% 35,89% 20,12% 3,40% 11077
Rest of countries in Africa TOTAL 28,09% 17,64% 27,50% 13,52% 34,92% 22,19% 2,10% 16691
Benin 26,96% 17,39% 28,70% 13,04% 44,35% 24,35% 2,61% 115
Botswana 40,00% 0,00% 0,00% 20,00% 40,00% 20,00% 0,00% 5
Burkina Fasso 29,51% 19,67% 27,32% 15,85% 39,89% 20,77% 2,73% 183
Burundi 17,65% 11,76% 11,76% 11,76% 5,88% 5,88% 0,00% 17
Central African Republic 21,43% 10,71% 32,14% 17,86% 35,71% 21,43% 0,00% 28
Chad 48,65% 32,43% 27,03% 21,62% 37,84% 24,32% 0,00% 37
Comoro Islands 50,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 25,00% 0,00% 0,00% 4
Congo 23,97% 17,57% 27,77% 14,75% 32,86% 18,55% 1,08% 922
Djibouti 62,50% 12,50% 62,50% 25,00% 50,00% 12,50% 0,00% 8
Egypt 29,69% 19,35% 30,69% 15,68% 34,20% 23,44% 1,92% 1199
Eritrea 6,67% 20,00% 13,33% 20,00% 26,67% 6,67% 0,00% 15
Ethiopia 32,69% 18,75% 29,81% 12,98% 27,88% 18,27% 0,48% 208
Gabon 38,10% 14,29% 22,22% 23,81% 36,51% 11,11% 0,00% 63
Ivory Coast 31,48% 15,43% 23,66% 16,05% 37,24% 22,63% 5,97% 486
Kenya 33,69% 17,11% 20,86% 16,04% 31,55% 23,53% 2,67% 187
Lesotho 0,00% 14,29% 57,14% 0,00% 14,29% 14,29% 0,00% 7
Liberia 27,93% 19,17% 25,85% 14,26% 38,34% 21,84% 2,08% 673
Libya 29,15% 17,97% 22,37% 10,51% 33,56% 12,88% 1,36% 295
Madagascar 47,50% 30,00% 30,00% 10,00% 37,50% 25,00% 5,00% 40
Malawi 38,46% 15,38% 30,77% 15,38% 30,77% 30,77% 0,00% 13
Mauritius 37,29% 23,73% 33,90% 16,95% 33,90% 11,86% 1,69% 59
Mozambique 28,96% 25,14% 31,15% 13,66% 34,43% 18,58% 0,00% 183
Namibia 20,00% 0,00% 33,33% 6,67% 40,00% 6,67% 0,00% 15
Níger 29,41% 11,76% 21,57% 9,80% 39,22% 15,69% 0,00% 51
Nigeria 26,49% 17,15% 27,51% 12,32% 35,07% 23,09% 2,30% 8450
Rwanda 31,16% 16,67% 20,29% 11,59% 32,61% 14,49% 0,72% 138
Santo Tome y Principe 52,54% 8,47% 27,12% 22,03% 32,20% 22,03% 6,78% 59
Seychelles 29,41% 11,76% 5,88% 11,76% 29,41% 5,88% 0,00% 17
Sierra leone 23,26% 15,87% 26,41% 15,43% 32,17% 23,37% 1,74% 920
Somalia 25,71% 12,38% 25,71% 8,57% 20,95% 22,86% 3,81% 105
South Africa 34,05% 17,67% 27,80% 15,52% 33,84% 20,26% 0,65% 464
Sudan 34,97% 15,34% 34,36% 15,95% 42,33% 21,47% 1,23% 163
Swaziland 50,00% 100,00% 50,00% 0,00% 50,00% 50,00% 0,00% 2
Tanzania 28,13% 27,08% 26,04% 22,92% 39,58% 22,92% 0,00% 96
Togo 24,22% 15,63% 27,34% 10,16% 35,16% 17,97% 2,34% 128
Tunisia 35,41% 18,03% 28,27% 14,40% 36,19% 21,66% 1,30% 771
Uganda 21,43% 14,29% 35,71% 7,14% 42,86% 35,71% 0,00% 14
Zaire 33,06% 22,58% 29,84% 14,11% 37,50% 27,62% 3,02% 496
Zambia 35,00% 20,00% 10,00% 10,00% 35,00% 20,00% 5,00% 20
Zimbabwe 34,29% 14,29% 37,14% 8,57% 28,57% 17,14% 0,00% 35
America TOTAL 28,20% 15,77% 26,10% 12,24% 36,21% 19,79% 1,53% 619230
    29,26% 16,24% 25,21% 12,00% 35,50% 21,84% 1,59% 60788
Central America TOTAL
Cuba 32,90% 17,60% 25,92% 13,06% 36,96% 20,78% 1,20% 25613
Dominican Republic 26,11% 14,86% 24,34% 10,99% 34,32% 22,82% 1,97% 31381
El Salvador 36,05% 23,33% 30,71% 14,34% 35,98% 25,44% 1,55% 1423
Honduras 27,46% 15,65% 25,77% 12,44% 34,92% 18,26% 0,76% 2371
Rest of countries in Central America TOTAL 31,81% 18,44% 25,57% 12,54% 33,52% 20,70% 0,74% 3493
Antigua and Barbados 50,00% 25,00% 25,00% 0,00% 25,00% 50,00% 0,00% 4
Bahamas 42,86% 14,29% 14,29% 14,29% 57,14% 14,29% 14,29% 7
Barbados 41,67% 16,67% 41,67% 25,00% 25,00% 33,33% 0,00% 12
Belize 12,50% 6,25% 6,25% 6,25% 6,25% 68,75% 0,00% 16
Costa Rica 33,91% 20,93% 23,64% 11,24% 36,63% 19,57% 1,36% 516
Dominica 18,38% 12,32% 17,37% 10,71% 28,69% 14,14% 0,40% 495
Granada 41,18% 23,53% 41,18% 5,88% 35,29% 50,00% 0,00% 34
Guatemala 37,12% 20,51% 29,43% 17,46% 33,21% 23,93% 1,10% 819
Haiti 20,22% 12,36% 24,72% 8,99% 20,22% 15,73% 0,00% 89
Jamaica 42,42% 27,27% 36,36% 15,15% 36,36% 18,18% 0,00% 33
Nicaragua 35,64% 20,17% 25,99% 11,14% 35,15% 19,06% 0,74% 808
Panama 29,33% 16,67% 25,80% 10,74% 35,26% 20,99% 0,16% 624
San Cristobal y Nieves 14,29% 14,29% 100,00% 0,00% 28,57% 85,71% 0,00% 7
Santa Lucia 25,00% 25,00% 25,00% 25,00% 75,00% 50,00% 0,00% 4
St Vincent and the Granadines 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 1
Trinidad and Tobago 41,67% 20,83% 33,33% 25,00% 33,33% 33,33% 0,00% 24
North America TOTAL 35,35% 18,21% 29,19% 14,03% 31,23% 23,48% 0,72% 25193
Canada 35,63% 17,87% 29,41% 16,18% 28,93% 21,50% 0,91% 1656
Mexico 36,11% 16,37% 28,28% 12,15% 32,22% 20,08% 0,70% 8380
United States of America 34,89% 19,27% 29,67% 14,83% 30,93% 25,58% 0,71% 15157
South America TOTAL 27,71% 15,58% 26,06% 12,18% 36,54% 19,37% 1,56% 529686
Argentina 32,56% 17,56% 28,52% 14,15% 36,84% 19,21% 1,17% 47274
Bolivia 30,18% 16,88% 28,23% 11,15% 36,46% 22,16% 1,74% 11122
Brazil 32,02% 16,25% 26,40% 13,08% 34,37% 21,85% 1,05% 18146
Chile 38,33% 21,25% 31,32% 13,85% 36,47% 21,14% 1,60% 13913
Colombia 24,82% 13,79% 22,17% 11,84% 35,85% 16,52% 1,06% 158164
Ecuador 25,75% 15,30% 26,32% 11,34% 37,30% 20,20% 2,11% 213965
Paraguay 34,53% 18,14% 27,90% 12,80% 30,57% 21,09% 1,38% 1086
Peru 35,60% 18,61% 34,68% 13,75% 35,69% 24,31% 1,65% 38161
Uruguay 33,07% 17,14% 25,50% 15,05% 35,12% 18,22% 0,95% 9660
Venezuela 29,57% 16,17% 26,71% 13,54% 38,15% 19,53% 1,10% 18195
Rest of countries in South America TOTAL 27,14% 22,86% 27,14% 11,43% 32,86% 21,43% 2,86% 70
Guyana 29,41% 17,65% 25,49% 9,80% 29,41% 21,57% 1,96% 51
Surinam 21,05% 36,84% 31,58% 15,79% 42,11% 21,05% 5,26% 19
Asia TOTAL 29,09% 17,15% 28,77% 11,32% 36,00% 26,29% 2,36% 71414
    28,79% 17,02% 28,70% 10,96% 36,13% 26,59% 2,48% 65288
Asian countries with greater representation in Spain TOTAL
Bangladesh 24,93% 20,45% 41,67% 11,29% 44,15% 43,32% 6,40% 1452
China 27,06% 15,76% 25,99% 9,77% 35,54% 24,66% 2,00% 27214
India 30,57% 17,60% 27,95% 14,96% 37,95% 25,30% 1,77% 6965
Iran 36,56% 20,02% 32,65% 18,07% 33,60% 27,52% 1,80% 1893
Japan 34,32% 19,00% 30,40% 11,41% 29,45% 24,08% 1,77% 2832
Pakistán 23,63% 17,94% 31,42% 10,84% 35,41% 27,06% 3,81% 9428
Philippines 32,02% 16,29% 30,11% 9,68% 36,85% 30,52% 2,64% 12137
Republic of Korea 37,56% 22,44% 31,76% 11,09% 44,83% 21,53% 2,85% 1965
Syria 30,17% 19,33% 28,10% 14,98% 33,45% 26,96% 2,50% 1402
Others countries in Asia TOTAL 32,30% 18,58% 29,45% 15,18% 34,62% 23,07% 1,18% 6126
Afghanistan 28,45% 19,83% 45,69% 21,55% 22,41% 22,41% 4,31% 116
Azerbaijan 24,39% 15,45% 26,02% 8,13% 46,34% 16,26% 0,00% 123
Bahrain 50,00% 33,33% 50,00% 33,33% 66,67% 33,33% 0,00% 6
Birmania 17,50% 15,00% 32,50% 12,50% 35,00% 17,50% 5,00% 40
Brunei 0,00% 20,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 20,00% 0,00% 5
Cambodia 46,15% 15,38% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 23,08% 0,00% 13
Indonesia 25,10% 13,94% 33,86% 18,73% 31,47% 23,90% 0,40% 251
Irak 27,93% 16,34% 27,19% 12,04% 39,08% 24,67% 1,34% 673
Israel 34,38% 21,61% 28,55% 19,72% 33,28% 19,09% 1,26% 634
Jordan 32,54% 17,80% 25,23% 17,66% 32,93% 21,65% 0,93% 753
Kazajstan 32,52% 24,39% 38,21% 16,26% 42,28% 29,27% 7,32% 123
Kirgyistan 21,95% 24,39% 24,39% 12,20% 63,41% 31,71% 0,00% 41
Kuwait 25,00% 9,21% 19,74% 5,26% 6,58% 21,05% 0,00% 76
Laos 46,00% 10,00% 36,00% 22,00% 30,00% 28,00% 2,00% 50
Lebanon 33,82% 19,92% 31,54% 13,38% 31,43% 23,24% 0,62% 964
Malaysia 30,94% 18,71% 30,22% 24,46% 38,13% 23,74% 0,72% 139
Mongolia 38,10% 14,29% 38,10% 14,29% 52,38% 28,57% 4,76% 21
Nepal 28,57% 15,31% 30,61% 11,22% 24,49% 22,45% 0,00% 98
Oman 23,08% 15,38% 15,38% 46,15% 15,38% 38,46% 0,00% 13
Palestine 41,51% 16,98% 24,53% 11,32% 33,33% 23,90% 0,00% 159
Qatar 21,43% 35,71% 42,86% 28,57% 21,43% 28,57% 7,14% 14
Saudi Arabia 22,12% 8,65% 20,19% 20,19% 25,00% 15,38% 0,00% 104
Singapore 33,83% 18,05% 20,30% 10,53% 32,33% 24,81% 0,00% 133
Sri Lanka 19,61% 12,75% 31,86% 14,22% 45,59% 21,57% 0,49% 204
Tadyikistan 0,00% 0,00% 20,00% 0,00% 20,00% 40,00% 0,00% 5
Thailand 32,67% 19,70% 29,68% 14,71% 37,16% 19,95% 0,50% 401
Turkey 39,22% 21,07% 29,66% 13,94% 37,12% 26,90% 1,94% 617
Turkmenistan 40,00% 40,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 20,00% 0,00% 5
United Arab Emirates 30,00% 10,00% 35,00% 10,00% 15,00% 15,00% 0,00% 20
Uzbekistan 31,75% 17,46% 26,98% 14,29% 30,16% 17,46% 0,00% 63
Vietnam 43,55% 25,00% 39,92% 13,71% 41,13% 30,24% 2,42% 248
Yemen 7,14% 14,29% 28,57% 21,43% 50,00% 14,29% 0,00% 14
Oceania TOTAL 35,12% 19,99% 31,47% 15,81% 33,56% 22,82% 1,94% 1341
    35,12% 19,99% 31,47% 15,81% 33,56% 22,82% 1,94% 1341
Oceania TOTAL
Australia 37,19% 21,88% 33,37% 17,27% 32,19% 24,73% 1,86% 1019
Fiji 33,33% 0,00% 22,22% 0,00% 33,33% 11,11% 0,00% 9
Micronesia 8,93% 8,93% 32,14% 12,50% 39,29% 5,36% 0,00% 56
New zealand 34,16% 15,35% 25,25% 13,37% 38,12% 23,76% 3,47% 202
Papua New Guinea 0,00% 75,00% 50,00% 0,00% 50,00% 25,00% 0,00% 4
Samoa 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 2
Solomon Islands 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 1
Tonga 0,00% 20,00% 40,00% 0,00% 100,00% 20,00% 0,00% 5
Tuvalu 25,93% 18,52% 25,93% 7,41% 48,15% 0,00% 0,00% 27
Vanuatu 43,75% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 16
Stateless TOTAL 30,83% 18,89% 29,44% 16,39% 41,67% 25,28% 0,83% 360
    30,83% 18,89% 29,44% 16,39% 41,67% 25,28% 0,83% 360
Stateless TOTAL
Stateless 30,83% 18,89% 29,44% 16,39% 41,67% 25,28% 0,83% 360