Concept selected: Domestic Violence


This is physical or psychological violence carried out by a man or a women, on any of the persons listed in article 173.2 of the Criminal Code, with the exception of the cases in which that violence is carried out by the man on the woman who is or has been his spouse, or who has been linked to him by a sentimental relationship that is equivalent to marriage, even if there is no cohabitation, in which case, this would be considered gender violence. In this regard, article 173.2 of the Criminal Code lists the following persons who may be charged with physical or mental violence: those who were the spouse or against the person who is or was associated with him through an equivalent sentimental relationship, albeit without cohabiting, or against descendents, ascendents or siblings, be they biological, adopted or through affinity, of the spouse or cohabiting person, or against minors or incapable persons cohabiting with him or under his custody, tutelage, guardianship, foster care or common law care of the spouse or cohabiting person, or against persons protected by any relaltionship whereby they form part of the core of family cohabitation, as well as persons who, due to their particular vulnerability are subject to custody or care in public or private centres etc.


Domestic Violence and Gender Violence. Methodology

Statistical operations (links to the Inventory of Statistical Operations)
Concepts associated