Concept selected: International trade service operations


These are services export (sales) or import (purchasing) operations, including exports and imports of intracommunity services. Exports of services comprise services rendered by companies or other institutions to non-resident units. Also included as exports are services that may be provided by a resident company to non-residents via subcontracting of other companies, regardless of whether or not the latter are resident. Resident companies subcontracted by other resident companies to render a service to a non-resident, should not include this operation as a service export. Service imports comprise all services rendered non-resident units to companies or other institutions resident in Spain. Also included as imports are services that a resident company may receive from non-resident units when the latter subcontract the provision of said services to other companies, regardless of whether or not the latter are resident.


The Foreign Trade in Services Indices. Methodology

Statistical operations (links to the Inventory of Statistical Operations)
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